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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Hiya All, sorry to have missed you ... I'll just sit here rocking backwards and forwards and muttering to myself Roll on the weekend. Kijo, I hope it all went ok to day and you don't have any strife. Nice to see you Bee - I'm just having a whinge, plenty worse things that people have to put up with. Frannie, agreed, but I have no choice, perhaps it'll feel really strange when everyone's gone. Then we have to save up for redecorating another 9 rooms! (I think it'll be a long time.
  2. Good Morning, sunny here, and let's hope it's a bit warmer, yesterday was bitter. Well done Mindy, I thought you did great! Sorry Wish, chaos here, I can't be around much at the moment, the house is not quite a death trap, but it's certainly an advanced obstacle course; it's absolutely filthy from the work dust, and to top it all, our cooker's been disconnected early, so I shall have to learn to be creative with a microwave, a tiny oven (about same size) and no hob (have ordered a gas camping one, hope it comes quickly) Oh and the Henry vacuum I ordered, they took my order for next day delivery and two days later, emailed to say they're out of stock - cheek! On the up side, we're seeing some real progress - and I've booked the carpet fitters for June 7th. Missing everyone like crazy and boy I could've done with that drink last night
  3. Good Morning to Everyone and hope all of you who were celebrating Mother's Day yesterday, got spoiled or did some spoiling We didn't have it here, as our Mother's Day is in March. Have so little time this week because I have decorators coming, and my net access will be limited, believe me I can hardly move for piles of stuff shifted around and I can't find anything I need - and they haven't even started yet!!! Hope you had a great weekend Tanya/Kijo, was thinking of you :hugs: xxx
  4. You're very welcome. Will do. Hope you get on ok, fingers crossed. xxx
  5. LOL, Dennis doesn't seem to worry about the rabbits, but they mostly stay down in the final 2/3 of the garden, although they do come up in the evenings to look for scrap food that we put out for the foxes. He's quite keen to get his eye on the squirrels though, despite never really catching one - they've come back again now Socks has gone (so he must've been quicker hee hee)
  6. That's a really punishing schedule, how have the flights been? Our garden is a horrendous mess, the beds are very overgrown, infact the best grass we've got is in the flower beds Oh and we have just one baby bunny out , usually we expect up to a dozen. How long is this kind of workload going to go on for?
  7. If you don't have them you know there's no panic because they'll be in the chest safely waiting. I'm not keen on asparagus myself, but IMOM loves it. Oh and in my other news, the decorators start on Monday, even though we're still waiting to finish the bathroom with the replacement basin. How's the work project going? bet you're tired?
  8. BTW the quote function hasn't been working here, something Lea is looking in to with forumotion. And - I look wrecked because I stayed up listening to the election night news - it's caught up with me!
  9. You can check the list in here for the Mexican stuff and copy and paste what you need if that helps? The pinata and food delivery stuff continues this week, so as you have to log in every day and get it, shall I keep doing that for you? or are you logging in? Not a very nice day for golf here. We're going off to the asparagus farm for IMOM's fix
  10. (((Wish))) wooooo. I'm ok thanks, was just at Kitty's sending stuff to you
  11. Just missed you Army, it's only just gone half seven in the morning here, dull day, but yes, Mindy IT'S THE WEEKEND Whoop Whoop Whoop!
  12. ROFL - well done Frannie la Fran. I'm just popping in while I have a mug of tea to warm me up, and I'll update the gift registry totals.
  13. I'm going to say goodbye for now honey, have a brill weekend and give Tan Tan a hug from me, will ya? Mwah and >>>
  14. *confused you said bye to Tanya? but I guess you meant Frannie la Fran?
  15. Hope you feel better after a nap Frannie My connection has started playing up, so I may disappear without warning
  16. Sounds a hoot Kijo Thanks Frannie, that's the very dress that started off Freaky Friday, remember? rofl!
  17. Thanks Lea. We'll be patient Would love a copy Kijo, you know why aaaaw. Frannie, it's his new owners, they've had him since Good Friday and totally adore him...so it all worked out in the end.
  18. Loving your work Kijo. Aaaw I see what you mean *taps nose* Frannie, I do understand, it bugs me terribly - trouble is I keep looking in exactly the same places, totally unable to accept that what I'm looking for, isn't where I expect it to be. My quote button's disappeared. Apparently it's a forumotion problem at the moment.
  19. Oh and following that conversation, it made me laugh when IMOM stood in front of the fridge and said out loud 'right I've opened the fridge, now, why am I here?' rofl Of course he had no idea why I found that so funny
  20. Aaaw nice to see you babe, mwah mwah, enjoy your weekend. Frannie I was talking with my neighbour about this yesterday and she thinks it's just natural and happens to everyone. She says as you get older, you rely more on mindless routine to do the things you've done thousands of times before (say like packing) and use your brain cells for the new stuff instead. Hence it's not so easy to take yourself through the steps of - I locked the car door, opened the house door, put my keys... - because you just do all that without paying any attention - hence finding it hard to be sure you did lock the car, or where on earth you put the keys down!
  21. Cos you is clevah LOL I keep losing things lately too...well, mislaying them. That's the issue isn't it. I wanted to vote for who I thought would be the best MP, but voted tactically instead - mattered not, MP has a really big majority anyhow. Yes, it was too big so I quickly substituted the image for a link to it instead, so I didn't wreck the forum pages for everyone. We do postal voting, although the polls open at 7am Frannie, so there's 15 hours to turn up there. I think it was a bigger turn out but still under 70% in the two constituencies I checked (ours and ED's)
  22. It is a mess, not least because a lot of people were turned away from polling stations, which close at 10pm. Apparently if they haven't issued you with a polling slip by 10pm, you don't get to vote, no matter what time you arrived at the Polling Station. If you're in possession of the slip, you can still vote, even if you still have to queue beyond 10pm. Stupid.
  23. Bit of a swizz - you wouldn't have bought it if you'd realised. Bad luck, probably best just chalk it up to experience. The map is amazing this morning http://i66.servimg.com/u/f66/14/66/26/01/electi10.jpg You'll need to visit the URL at Sky News for the key to all the different colours. Despite the sleeze scandal we still have the same MP albeit with a -2% of the vote. Hi, WB Kijo, I need to resize that picture
  24. Sorry I missed you Dawn, what's this problem? I've missed it - I had to complain to Playfish about a coin problem once, but I got absolutely no response at all. Nice Frannie, to have company. I'm just making tea and absolutely embroiled in politics here, very complicated. I didn't think you sent the wrong bouquet, as there was only one old one, but no worries.
  25. I didn't see DM post, sorry. Hi Frannie DM, we seem pretty well stocked at the Registry thank you, have just been there, displaying some more stuff, now need to check and update the list here.
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