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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. aaah, I'm not familiar with what's on which programmes on Sky. We just watch Sky News and Sky Sports News on Freeview lol. We don't even have a TV in our main living room any more. We have one in the kitchen, and one in a spare bedroom, where I do the ironing. The ex main room TV is now in the family room, but not even plugged in - well, it's a store room at the moment while the work's in progress.
  2. I don't know that one, we don't have Sky, presume it's on Sky? Am just watching Ch4+ 1 - I missed his night ... and I want to growl at him Hiya Madame Frannie la Fran
  3. Glad you're having a lovely day Steph - many Happy Returns
  4. LOL, the exit music after the result - ♫ Tragedy ♫
  5. I'm not that up on PS myself, just log in and do about half a dozen visits. This bottle blonde boy is just vile. I hope he sees what happens to his face when he's spouting his bile (and that the wind doesn't change) I'd have told him there's a world of difference between appraising something in a competition, and being bloody rude. Shame his night wasn't last in the week, so they could all have ganged up on him.
  6. Oh, news - our YD's birthday tomorrow - the plan is that she comes here and I take her out for the day and we get some lunch together
  7. Fine thank you. Get a good night's rest and I hope you sleep well and feel better tomorrow I could send him round It's just same old, same old here, like ground hog day with these decorators, or rather, with the one of them who turns up and gets on with the job! So, are you in tonight? are you relaxing a bit?
  8. Hello YOU the sun's disappeared now, and I am shattered, so pull up a chair. I did say last night that we're not drinking this week, but I might cave now my buddy's in to lead me astray
  9. Veronica, Hi How are you?
  10. Welcome to C & G, this is the thread to leave messages for friends and chat along if we manage to arrive at the same time!
  11. Sorry I missed you earlier Bee. I'm still missing little Socks you know - they get to your heart strings don't they. Am going to start a new thread as we're surely close to it happening automatically anyway.
  12. Right, it's almost 11am now, and I'm needed elsewhere, sorry. Will stop by later on
  13. Hi Bee, I'm multi tasking, so I wasn't far away - just not near enough
  14. Oops so sorry, I obviously missed that I'm full of lacey toast and rhubarb compote. It's lacey because the bread is just falling apart as I slice it! Not sure how much longer I can stay, will try.
  15. Glad you had a good time. I hope the cat pulls through ok. I was asking the other day how it turned out with work (you'd been having a bad day) Just going to make toast because I'm thinking of you and breakfast and it's making my stomach growl with hunger!
  16. And, I saw Tanya's bad news about her cat being shot at How is she apart from that?
  17. I think some people might lurk and don't say anything, dunno. I'm not here so much this month, not at the computer I mean. Mindy has been stopping by nights (my night time I mean) but no one to talk to. I guess we all got busy with other things, especially now the weather's picking up.
  18. (((KIJO))) hello stranger! Was just reading the news and updating my FB status, OMG can't believe Pat Cash is a grandfather now!!! How are you?
  19. Morning, Ooops, cooking got very involved last night and after we'd eaten and half cleared up, both of us were so tired that we had a REALLY early night. Maybe paint fumes are making me extra headachey and sleepy? I know that feeling of wanting to get things cleared up quickly BG - hope you feel better today. Am smiling, as the one decorator, not the one who disappears, lol, but one who sees me at my worst, has just told me that he thinks I'm years younger than I actually am. I laughed and told him he's not on a bonus, but it still made me grin!
  20. I have to run and do some prep for dinner Frannie, will leave the page open, not quite sure how long I'll be though.
  21. Very hard I imagine Sending our best to him (IMOM says Hello too, he's watching the news now)
  22. I keep forgetting to type (although I think about it) - how has Mark settled down after his recent surgery?
  23. I bought a spare as well myself, so consider it a gift I hate the way they organised the stores now, too confusing. And, they're messing with my mind, there were 6 friends per screen, then they made it just 5, then it went back to 6 and now it's gone to 5 again - why do they do this sort of thing?
  24. That was a TWS Frannie, perhaps you also missed it? I can send you one from the Registry.
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