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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Best wishes to your mum. The air's been very bad for bronchial problems lately, so she's probably had a double whammy. Don't forget, to help smokers quit, the NHS have lots of help. Did you take a look at smokefree.nhs and then dot co dot uk at the end?
  2. Steph, when you gift someone in PS do you expect anything more than a thankyou? of course not, and it's the same for parents who help out their grown children. What you do willingly, you don't expect repaying. So long as they know it's not taken for granted, believe me, they'll know you wish you didn't need a hand. Knowing you're hard up, trust me, they wont want you to be struggling to repay or buy things to say thank you - anything you can do, it really is the thought that counts We're always helping out our elder daughter...she's had years of study and having to work for free to get on the career ladder she's chosen. We know she appreciates it, and one day, we're going to need a hand, whether practical, emotional, thoughtful, or whatever - your turn will come when you're in a position to be a real help to your parents, and it'll feel good to do it
  3. Mindy - my ED is beside herself. She's lost her cards, her driving licence, her travel card and everything - amazing how much stuff you cram into one place - you're at such a loss when it's gone. Absolutely lovely photo Tanya/Kijo, thanks so much for posting it to include us all. Best of luck to little Kitty, we all thought that was such a horrible thing to happen - a curse on whoever did it!
  4. Good Morning. Lovely messages to catch up on. BG, I made lasagne last night, but I only ate about a third of mine, I wasn't hungry because I ate too late. So guess what I have left over for lunch today lol. Good luck to your friend - hope the baby comes along soon, tell her not to worry, there's not much to choose between a natural labour or one that's induced. As Boo says, when they start you off, it all starts in earnest. I had my waters broken, but that in itself was enough to start labour proper (I'd been in what they call 'slow' labour for a week apparently, and didn't realise) Either way, she's got to go through it, and she will and then she'll be so busy and excited with the new baby. Sorry to miss you Boo, and Wish, it was a really strange day yesterday. Strange weather too, nice in the mornings, then a bit yuck and then nice again later on. It's nice here but a bit fresh, got the windows open though and the air flowing, yes - that's so, so much better.
  5. Nice catch up Dawn. I'm STARVING - missed brekkie on account of going out for lunch - still no news at just gone 1pm. It's just too bad of her. And her phone just goes straight to voicemail. Hope the weather does hold, it was lovely here earlier, really hot, as per the forecast, but now, much cooler and dull. Might as well go and put an old shirt on, I'm sat here all dressed up with nowhere to go Catch you soon, hope the audit goes ok - that's both you and Bee under the cosh with outsiders for a wee while.
  6. Wow you've been busy. There's such a lot of messing about when you move, and renovating too...as you can tell, we're going through it too, and it's not much fun - and hardly any time at all for PS. I haven't even logged in FB today, and the day's best part done for me! Well, not really, but if YD ever turns up and we go out, there'll be no time today at all. If she turns up, that is!
  7. Just going to make a pot of tea...
  8. Hello Paige honey, have you moved now? and is everything ok? You've been missed
  9. Sorry my connection dropped and then I had to go and see the men - story of my life lol. No sign of YD turning up or even calling...
  10. Good Morning, Sorry for the confusion lol, I changed the name as so few of us seem to be able to get together and 'chat' in real time these days. I should've got up and come downstairs to see if you were here Mindy, when I couldn't sleep. Felt awful through most of the night, finally nodded off at 6.45 and boy that was the fastest half hour of the night! Am having a pig of a day too, so far, more of that in a moment Nice you got some time with your Grandma Mindy, and yes, your friend's right, in the big scheme of things you're almost there, but - at the time, it seems for ever! Bee, it's absolutely baking hot here at the moment, but IMOM says it's gone from London already. I'm waiting for YD to turn up, taking her out for lunch. The decorators are here, but so far their 3 hours seems to have been more break time than getting down to some serious work Horrid day involved a phone call at about 8am, ED was on her way to work and discovered that her wallet was missing, her bank and credit cards, her Oyster Card (travel card) and the flipping receipt for it - everything gone...what a panic. She reckons it must've been stolen by someone on the bus after she got off the Tube last night - as obviously she used her Oyster Card to get on the bus. It's a real carry on cancelling everything, not sure how she's getting on poor thing - horrible. So - that's my day up to now.
  11. Lovely chatting with you over the evening too Wish. I want to stay awake for the last of the Timothy Spall short series where he goes to sea with his wife, in a specially converted Dutch barge. I saw one of two and it was a great little half hour programme (this is a repeat, but it's all on I Player, I think it was BBC4) I hadn't realised he's recovering from leukemia. He looks well and it's a nice relaxed 30 mins. See you soon/ Take care xxx
  12. jamie's still on, the scenery and the atmosphere are fantastic. I love your new thread, am just too wilted to think straight - am on the Horlicks - bless!
  13. WOW! I couldn't begin to top that at this time of night Wish. Let me just add, newly wed Chip, and Marie with her new baby - remember the dates are around now, because it's our younger daughter's (YD) birthday tomorrow! I'm up for any amount of cooking and hospitality, except the desserts, cos I'm useless at them. Oh - and I reckon you either need an extension on your garden, or we need to take this mega-multi gathering down to the beach (even better then because we leave the men (and my virtual IMOM) in charge of the BBQ)
  14. Wow, nice meal. Am now watching Jamie in Athens, cooking kebabs on a roof top with a view of the Acropolis...fab!
  15. Coriander seeds are ok, or ground, it's too much fresh - to me it's too metallic. bleurgh! Got to go for a while Wish, grub's up!
  16. Really? I love fresh parsley sauce. Parsley's one of my favourite herbs, along with basil, thyme and well, just about any herb except coriander really.
  17. Parsley sauce is made, so IMOM will finish off now, hooray. How's your OH doing Wish?
  18. Oh gosh, we're syncronised, and with ED as well! I wonder about YD...will find out tomorrow, hope she doesn't have her grumpy head on! Saying that, please excuse me for a while....
  19. Yours sounds good too. I'm at 'that' stage of the month, when I'm ravenously hungry!
  20. Gaaah we are having such terrible problems deciding on a paint colour for the bathroom and for the hall and landing
  21. Just unveiled the UK olympic mascots on the One Show. I like one, but not too sure about the other! Wenlock and Mandeville, they're called.
  22. Byeee Frannie. A small roast gammon join, mash, green beans, carrots and parsley sauce Wish...having to cook on the temporary equipment until a week on Friday, lol. You?
  23. Sorry, got involved in conversation with OH, chatting about work, about the girls and about dinner tonight.
  24. You did last week Frannie, thank you, I said thanks at the time, but I bet you forgot Ha Ha Ha - you know why I said that...you wont be able to live it down.
  25. I listen to Radio 2 for Chris Evans, just to wake me up lol, then switch to Radio 5 live (topical discussions and phone ins, Frannie) We do have the TV on in the kitchen, where we tend to sit in the evening. I would miss it if we didn't have one, but I just don't want it to dominate our lives. Everyone to their own - no need to be embarrassed Frannie
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