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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Good Morning, I saw your message BG and replied there - that's good so people can see it without searching the thread. Hi Tanya, am missing you! Hiya Bee - would love a holiday, but we've spent up getting stuff for the house. It's been over 5 years since we had a holiday, am hoping next year we can get away. We had a lovely day yesterday - I went up to Borough Market, Bee - got the shopping and then went to Applebees to wait for Mr Z, He was 45 minutes, but luckily I had a bottle of wine and a carafe of water to keep me company (and a magazine) We had a stroll by the river and did a bit more shopping and were quite late home really (about auarter to eight) Had to stand on the train most of the way home and then change trains with a 10 minute wait for the last three stops. Luckily the weather was better than forecast - but it did mean I carried an umbrella all day
  2. Thanks for letting us know BG, see I told you other people were just scaring you. I don't know why, but like I said, it's a badge of honour. The after-pain will soon wear off, but if you feel it'll help, you can dissolve a soluable aspirin in water, and just keep it in that area of your mouth for a while before swallowing (*so long as you're ok to take aspirin of course) Me too, I don't know why he's become so very busy, I sent him a FB message again, a couple of weeks ago, but no reply
  3. Message for Toulouse aka Bunny Girl Good Luck today BG, thinking of you and hoping the dental work isn't too painful, you'll be fine
  4. No one? I'll leave it over the weekend and just see if anyone's kept meaning to play and hasn't got around to it yet.
  5. Sorry Nope, was watching the football (sob) my team went out last night, and the live political leaders' debate on TV - both at the same time Just stopping by to say a quick Hello and have a nice weekend, before rushing out for the day
  6. Watching Liverpool play - come on you Reds. Waiting for prawn curry to finish off a bit and hoping for the right result!
  7. Good Evening, well the promised rain has struck. Have been to the supermarket and got in our shopping to take us through the long weekend, hooray, which means I can just have some fun tomorrow
  8. How frustrating Bee - can't work and can't play really either! I was getting a note of all the TWS items, had to search for the Skull Cave and the Cream Tepee - hidden in the garden store.
  9. Zoonie

    C&G Gift Registry

    Week Commencing Monday 26th April 2010 - Peter Pan Week List of TWS showing item cost and the number of each item we have received Garden Store Furniture - Skull Cave - 4,000 coins 1 Cream Tepee -1,500 Furniture Store Living - - Kitchen and Bathroom - Bedroom - Wendy's Cream Bed - 2,400 2 Toy Chest - 700 3 Wendy's Cream Rug - 400 2 DIY Walls & Floors - London at Night Wallpaper - 1800 2 London at Night Floor - 400 2 Windows & Doors Wendy's Pink Window - 800 1 Fixtures & Fittings - Clothes Girls - Tinker bell Wig - 1,100 2 Tinker bell Dress - 400 2 Tinker bell Wings - 300 2 Tinker bell Shoes - 100 2 Gold Mermaid Dress - 300 1 Boys - Mr Smee Shirt - 400 1 Mr Smee Bandana - 200 1 Mr Smee Shoes - 100 1 Raccoon Costume Head - 600 1 Raccoon Costume Body - 400 1 Raccoon Costume Legs - 80 1 Accessories: Volcano Mask - 2,500 1 Market - Party & Gifts - Toys & Collectibles Nana Plushie - 800 1 Cool Stuff - Full set of TWS sent to Wish Fairy. Thanks for all the donations
  10. Thanks darlin, take care xxx
  11. I have my tea now too. Kijo I don't play Hotel, nor any other games except PS.
  12. Thanks Kijo. I spoke to BG last night as you might see. People have been telling her their horror stories - people do just love to do that about dental work (and giving birth too lol) Going to put the kettle on - I'm missing Frannie
  13. What time is it Army? nearly half three in the morning???
  14. not long. Oooh can you do me a favour, if you see BG on your travels at all tomorrow - give her a gentle hug. She's getting her teeth extracted isn't she? Am sure she'll be fine, just needing a little TLC.
  15. Brings it home to you, just how quickly the weeks are flying by - it's a bank holiday weekend here, but the weather forecast is heavy rain
  16. I'm fine thanks - won be around tomorrow, am off up to London on the early train.
  17. - plus listening to live radio debate on election issues. Tonight is the final live TV debates where the 3 contenders for the post of primeminister will put forward their policies in front of a studio audience (there have been two others)
  18. I'd wandered off to my sink full of washing up Sorry
  19. Going to start typing up this week's TWS>>>
  20. Here you go, Zoonie's found a new use for the bubble chair - a safe haven for hens under threat
  21. OK Army get some sleep - I don't think I can be here tomorrow morning, I'm off to London for the day.
  22. I just want to be sure the information's hit their server, lol. the game is still so full of glitches - the seeds have only worked about twice for me, and often I get the message These Coins are For Someone Else, and, hmmm, some other message that annoys me, can't remember it off the top of my head.
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