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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. Never seen the film, but I love his music. I'm lurking a while, I have to proof read something for someone and they need it back urgently.
  2. It's all this prom stuff in PS, it's got to you. We obviously have a Dance section on radio, as now it's David Bowie's Let's Dance...my kitchen is rockin' - rockin' I tell ya!
  3. Hey Gill, i am fine thank you . how are you , now that you don't have to worry about Dragons well, obviously, quite relaxed compared to normal I'm singing at the top of my voice to the radio paying some corny old pop ♫dance yourself dizzy♫
  4. Hi Army, and thank you - we'll all be safe from dragons today Are you ok?
  5. Hiya Dawn, was busy last night flicking between the footie ( ) and the leaders' debate! How's the car?
  6. Zoonie

    H***** free zone

    1.colour...Blue 2. flower...Peonies 3, tv programme...Monk or should I say MR Monk 4. book...at the moment...The Future Homemakers of America by Laurie Graham 5. food...tough question...probably chicken or flat white fish like Dover Sole 6. drink...a good hot mug of English Breakfast Tea with semi skimmed milk, no sugar 7. film...Manhattan Murder Mystery 8. board game...not keen on board games, maybe Draughts? 9. animal...dogs 10. singer...absolutely no idea - too hard How did I do?
  7. I'll join you too Kasi. I think we should celebrate St. George's Day and be proud - that doesn't make me any less proud of my Scots and Welsh heritage, but remember our own special traditions as well. Happy St. George's Day x
  8. It's 8am now so I'm here and celebrating England's national day today - overlooked by PS by there you go. 23rd April, St George's Day
  9. Okey doke, Safe trip Frannie.
  10. We're in official British Summer Time now according to our clocks ROFL It gets light about 5.15am
  11. Haven't checked the temperatures Frannie, but the bird bath's been frozen over in the morning. We haven't had our heating off yet. It comes on at something like 4am-7.30 and again about half four in the afternoon for the evening.
  12. Aaah I'd assumed there was wind over the lake and that it swirled through the sky scrapers. You learn something new eh? I wouldn't be keen on the high humidity, it hadn't used to affect me, but you change don't you. Weird here lately - very sunny and bright, but the air's cold when you're out of the sun, with a stiff breeze, the night's are cold still.
  13. The windy city? we've lived on peninsulars, it fair blows in gusts there Freezing in winter tell us about it! The Brits can deal with weather. Our worst was when we lived on the Welsh borders - we found out why Wales is such a green country and has so many reservoirs - I've never seen so much rain and over such long periods of time too.
  14. could be arranged oooh how wonderful that would be! OH says Hi and safe trip btw - he's been to Chicago (a long time ago) and still goes on about it now, loved it
  15. Good Afternoon All - if anyone's wandering through.
  16. DOH! thought you'd already done that, lol. Byeeee yes - it's such a shame they don't do programs like that any more. I also like to watch Fawlty Towers (I actually have that one on DVDs) I'm affraid I will have to leave too. Sorry to leave you here all by yourself. I bought OH the boxed set of Fawlty Towers, the complete Gavin & Stacey and also Dad's Army, for Christmas - oh and Monk, the first errr 6 series I thought - got them all at good prices off Amazon. I'm saying goodbye as well Bee, so no worries, it was really nice chatting with you, see you soon x
  17. I hate that kitchen wont clean themselves! spoilsports!!! See you Frannie. Yes, the radio Bee - and the bedknobs flash when someone contacts them
  18. Everything is faster when it's not working to supply you with higher quality pics and images (sorry, not terribly technical)
  19. I think you fit right in with C&G - so what does that tell ya?
  20. not at all, you use what you like, but I was meaning the pic you have now, with the name Rose Hill taken out - I guess the page rolled over She is, she's René's (sp?) mother in law Fannie la Fan
  21. to us! Did you notice your new avvie pic Frannie? doctored with your own name.
  22. Fab - glad she got the result so soon, so no waiting and biting nails...congrats to her I know (and I feel the same) - it was suppose to be a joke. I'm actually very grateful that I had decided to join the "old" forum and met you guys - I count you as my friends now but we wouldn't have met otherwise and would miss out on lots of fun we have together. Funny how little things affect your life. Even thought I don't play the game as much as I used to I still like to come here for a chat with friends (OK I'm getting all mushy now) you mush all you like - I feel the same, and you know, I'm really glad we're here for each other in the tougher times...I think it helps, even more so really than the people we see face to face.
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