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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. I know it's about another £4 a month, two pounds each time, so I'm trying to find ways to cut down. Having said that, I want to enter the Hot or Not Room Comp lol.
  2. It is - but, it takes so much time and bandwidth to keep loading the game every time. I'm trying to cancel the loading, and am only clicking like on their posts for help, so I cut down on email notifications - every month I go over my bandwidth allowance and get a financial penalty
  3. There's so little time, what with all the clicking to Help build stuff - my email box is just full of emails detailing every time someone posts 'done' not only on my wall, but on all the friends' walls too.
  4. ARMY! hello. Finally we catch up with each other. I was just looking at the new items for next week - as usual far too many, but I like them. /news-announcements-f7/new-items-revealed-for-monday-3rd-may-t10831-20.htm#305442 (I haven't even listed this week's yet)
  5. Morning honey - how are you today? Bright and sunny here and I feel a bit more energetic than yesterday (not that it would be hard, lol)
  6. I like decorating, will try and give it a bit of thought
  7. Aaaw poor Army, you were checking all through my night! After 11pm until after half five in the morning - we're really not coinciding at all of late, are we? No Kijo either? Anyway, Good Morning
  8. It's annoying, does this mean no Thursday/Friday maintenance? I think not. Have to go and eat now G, see ya xxx
  9. Good luck BG! Just say to them, everyone's body and everyone's experience are different and you'll take your chances. BTW just logged on to do visits and PS is under maintenance.
  10. LOL, BG, people always tell those stories with relish and then some! Just remind yourself, how many people tell horrendous stories of giving birth, but have more than one child! You see? Sure it's not the most pleasant thing you'll ever do, but it has a purpose to it (for the greater good) and it's going to be fine Don't pay any attention to anyone who just wants to gloat about what they went through - they survived it, didn't they?
  11. I think there were some problems today with the site, so it's been quiet. It's also been a lovely day here too, I've had the door open all day. For some reason am feeling a bit tired, and a bit meh! nothing wrong, just not at my brightest. Sorry I keep missing you Army. BG - stop worrying, you're building it up in to so much more than it's going to be xxx
  12. I think I broke the internet - will look back later on and see if it's fixed Cross posted - see ya Dawn, good luck with the workload! x
  13. Good Morning I keep missing Army of late.
  14. Classic Niçoise Salad -done! Sorry my inner Gordon reared its head then
  15. No real news. Fabulous day on Saturday. Boring Sunday/Monday, back to wonderful weather today. Am planning to meet OH on Friday for lunch and then a whizz around Hatton Garden iykwim? ED has an event with Danni Minogue at work tonight.
  16. Aaaw hello Wish, hope you're bearing up - you should be on 3 shredded wheat or some extra vitamins or something!
  17. Good Evening CeeGeeans, still a lovely day here even though it's almost 6pm!
  18. See ya Kijo, go safely. Lunch is calling, it's nearly noon now, and I just can't wait! >>>
  19. Is that still happening? Strange PS thing going on.
  20. Oh and just saw Tanya posted on my page, so I replied direct to her.
  21. I'm just wondering if 11.30 is too early to have lunch? (especially since I had some breakfast today)
  22. Yes, please do. Our schedules and the time differences are making a lot of difference these days. With the change in OH's hours, I tend not to be around in the evenings any more, and people generally aren't staying up as late as we used to when we could unite both sides of the Atlantic. Chip's wedding will soon be coming up, and Marie's new baby.
  23. How is she Kijo? Haven't seen her in what seems like ages.
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