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Posts posted by lee1

  1. @Davehutch wrote:
    thanks sweban for you concern , it must look bad from the out side (dont look better from the inside) but it is a small group of censored and I feel ashamed to be ENGLISH

    but its really good of you to think of us m8 thumbs
    thankyou for yur concern , and i think that goes form all of us here thumbs

  2. @karlo wrote:
    At the end of the day she's still just a number, no matter how hard NHS employees work they get no real thanks, just people moaning and complaining and now on the TV "No Win No Fee against the NHS" THAT disgusts me It should be stopped.

    Most NHS employees work long hours with no breaks in a high pressure environments for no extra pay and are lucky to get the time back and they are still under pressure to cut costs which means reducing work force causing staffing problems piling even extra pressure on others.

    Well done to all who work for our NHS as I for 1 appreciate you thumbs

    Embarassed Sorry rant over Embarassed

    P.S. As you may have guessed my wife works for them Laughing

    hit the nail on the head there

    @mrsstue11 wrote:
    I feel for her, i too work with adults with Autism so i know what long hours are like although it can be very rewarding thumbs

    your right mrs stue,she loves her job just wish she would take a bit of time out for herself thumbsthumbs

  3. @lee wrote:
    @Stue11 wrote:

    Shocked Where do you start Dave! weak Goverments, underfunded police, unfair benifits system, laughable justice system etc. If your an honest, working, married member of the community mate your screwed! BUT as long as we have forums like this where we can relate/meet like minded people we'll be alright mate. thumbshide (I hope!)
    well said mate couldnt agree more thumbs
    agree cant we all storm into parliment kick them all out,then we could run the country thumbs

    Bikers seem to have a built in need to help each other Lee, who better to run the country? Very Happy
    your not wrong there thumbsthumbs

  4. @Stue11 wrote:
    @Davehutch wrote:
    How did it come to this - from ruling the largest empire the world has ever known to being ripped apart from the inside by low life scum who contribute censored all to society

    Shocked Where do you start Dave! weak Goverments, underfunded police, unfair benifits system, laughable justice system etc. If your an honest, working, married member of the community mate your screwed! BUT as long as we have forums like this where we can relate/meet like minded people we'll be alright mate. thumbshide (I hope!)
    well said mate couldnt agree more thumbs
    agree cant we all storm into parliment kick them all out,then we could run the country thumbs

  5. And ive just gone mad with her head bang

    my wife works for the nhs,she looks after people with learning disabilitys,and mental health

    since wednesday morning,upto now she has been at work 75 hours,thats includeing her breaks

    as there short staffed,now thats comittment to your work salute

    Think she deserves a big bunch of flowers of me thumbs

  6. @Stue11 wrote:
    @Stue11 wrote:
    why do the cops piss about with these low lifes, why not just tazer em ....... Just a thought...
    We lived in Handsworth in the 80s ile never forget the nights of riots everyones lively hoods ruined whithin hours of petrol bomb throwing and looting, they just dont think about whos lifes they are actually affecting and its certainly not the mps neighbourhoods Sad me personaly would shoot each yob that thrown an object at the police or someones business and id sleep well at night to knowing it....i just feel strongly about this after having a childhood of witnessing folk being robbed and burgled inc meself.
    And also finding the odd dead body and im not joking, one guy was killed up the side of me house so ive seen a lot in me short 35years Shocked
    bloody hell stue,that cant of been good for you as a kid growing up,your right though they dont think who it affects,its censored wrong about time the police got some censored and sorted it out
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