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Posts posted by lee1

  1. @Stue11 wrote:
    Hello, i wouldnt take any notice and i certainly wouldnt shop there again, ile let u into another secret....nobody on here knows this but im a wedgwood specialist part time...ok i know a thing or too about pottery lol, i get judged everytime i go into an antique shop..skinhead coverd in tattoos hes bound to want to steal something lol, until folk give me a chance and speak to me then the dealers soon realise i know my stuff, so ile get to my point, if your treated unfairly and dis respected just because your a lady id say censored em and i would certainly report them to there head office thumbs
    bloody hell stue you scared the censored out of me then when I started reading that thought you was going to say your a lady hide

    ive got some wedgwood stuff,blue and white pottery but no nothing about it thumbs
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