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Posts posted by lee1

  1. @Stue11 wrote:
    @Gazman wrote:
    Hi Mate, This is what I think on the subject. I like many things, bikes, cars and guitars, amongst many other things. Some of my favourites are brand new and off the shelf and many are old and original and lots are old and modified. I don't think there is a right or wrong in anyone's choices but of course you will always attract other peoples opinions with the choices you make, that doesn't make them right or wrong. Noel Gallagher once said in an interview that there wasn't good or bad music only music you like or don't like. That is a good philosophy to have. He went on to say " who's to say the telletubbies are no good, my 3 year old loves them". I get that, music is for everybody not just a select few. I believe It's the same with everything in life, make your choice's and live by them. If you see a bike in a show room and you like it and can afford it, buy it, enjoy it and modify it if you want to and don't pay attention to other peoples opinions. One word of warning though, people will then label you arrogant so be prepared for that as well. There you go mate, philosophical and diplomatic in one paragraph, hope this helps. Gaz thumbsthumbs
    agree end off well said Gaz. thumbs
    agree thats put that to bed Laughing

  2. left school aged 15 Shocked hated every day,left with nothing absolute drop out

    did yts scheme on a building site labourering £26.50 a week if I remember right

    left that worked in a steel works for a while left that then worked in a bottleing factory

    then my mate got me a job at the garage where he worked,did that for a while sacked that off boss was a censored

    Then worked in a factory makeing garden furniture worked my way up to assistant production manager
    Then the company started useing agency workers,mainly all of them ilegal immigrants,made the job very hard,they cant speak english

    so thought sod this,need to do something with my life,went back into mechanics went to college this was around 13 years ago,gained my nvq level 3,then did my ata
    worked for landrover,bmw,tvr,and currently working for ford/kia/mazda dealership at the moment

    not bad I reckon to say I left school with nothing

    only ever been unemployed twice in 23 years and not for very long thumbs

  3. @Stue11 wrote:
    Fairplay good on them, my sister lost her purse on route to pay for her holiday a few year ago, she had £2000 on her, silly fool lost it on route she was devasted.......48 hours later there was a knock on her door and an elderly couple had her purse with all the money still inside bless em, me and my sister paid them a visit a month later just before xmas and we gave them £200 with a xmas card and thank`d them again for there honesty, bless there souls how many folk would do that today thumbs


    and you dave thumbsthumbs

  4. @Stue11 wrote:
    Try and do that to me you censored holes id have beaten em with me lid, poor chap i really feel for folk that get picked on by gangs of censored heads
    would it of been worth haveing a go though stue,you would of probably been kicked to death

    Thats the problem these days,they have to be in a gang,one on one bunch of pussys

    remember one time I went for my hair cut,on one of the local estates came out to find chips and curry all over my car windscreen

    you can imagine how censored off I was,looked over to the chippie,there was around 15 of them all with there hoodies on
    shouting abuse I wouldnt of stood a chance if I had gone over

    my father said walking away made me the better man,but I tell you even to this day I wished Id have just drove into the lot of them,absolute scumbags
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