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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. because his location is under his name on the left
  2. Its only your dirty mind that thinks that way!! And your point is??
  3. looks great but would it be a project, it looks done to me?
  4. http://www.rutlandcaravanandcamping.co.uk/tandc.html Dont use this campsite its run by the fun police, probably wouldn't let us lot in anyways.
  5. From here its all motorway n i get bored shitless on the motorway so doubt ill be goin Hmmnn, just the 1 road where you live then?
  6. now where did i put the bubble bath and Mr Sheen?
  7. Wow i actually managed to get out on my B6 today, first time in about a month, chickened out and went back home after about 1/2 an hour, icy as fook in the shady bits round here.
  8. RichardH

    ALL ME

    Helloooo, my last bike was a 550 Zephyr.
  9. Even then, the results are pathetic untill we've wrecked the bits we wanted polished in the first place. By the time we can polish to any kind of pro standard we've already spent more than a polisher will ever charge us on the gear & replaceing the parts that we f#cked up when practising Thats a good point matey, I only wanted to do my heal plates, thought " how hard can it be "
  10. I'm on a weekend of nights but want to go bad, so will see if i can book holidays. Hmmn do I go on the Bandit or pushbike??
  11. What kit do you use Suzu? I've ordered a kit from the link and was going to stick it on my drill.
  12. Come on now sing along "Mr Sheen shines umpteen things clean"
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