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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. just stumbled across this on the net.Anyone else see Homer Simpson?
  2. Thought I would join in the spirit of the thread and offer these, also only worn a few times
  3. nor can we, send pics, pleeeease!
  4. I think what lee does is amazing, it looks chromed, must polish for hours on end to achieve that.
  5. Right had a go, not fantastic and needs another go ( don't laugh polishers) but much better than it was. Must admit it doesn't look as scratchy on the bike.
  6. What you having done and how much, thinking of haveing my tank done, but looking for some kind of paint effect so its a bit different
  7. There used to loads of bike shops round here, all gone now
  8. For the uneducated ie. me! How much is it to get this done roughly in flat black? Why would you want it done roughly??
  9. You all seem to be under the impression that life is fair and doing the correct thing is rewarded. Welcome to Britain 2011, scum do what they like and get a slap on the hand but honest people get the book thrown at them if they stray a tad. No smiley for raging face!
  10. are they back ups or originals?
  11. I've been married 20 years, happy for 5
  12. mines 70mph coz that's what Mr policeman said i can go
  13. I went into a local (non bike) shop with my mate and the 2 staff were chopsing so I waited and waited then said out loud to my mate "can you see me", "yesmate" "thank f**k for that I thought I was invisible" with that they decided to bother serving me. I always think if you don't like being polite and helpful, fair does just don't work in a fooking shop!
  14. Not as good as the "show us your baps" thread lol
  15. I'm a pro at putting my foot in it.
  16. nows i havent a telly Guess you'll just have to talk to the wife then lol Must be on Sky for all you rich peeps that have it
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