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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. cool but don't it need a window?
  2. Thick question probably but wtf are they?
  3. Sidney Camm....... Hurrican designer
  4. Lol, I drink like that, my online gaming name is Itchythirdeye, just thought it was funny ( sad t**t)
  5. Do you know the answer XS, or is it a random post? If it's a real quiz give us a clue
  6. I think they threw your specs out also XS
  7. As much as I agree that they are arseholes, booting mirrors off really isn't an option in my opinion.
  8. eee Mr Wilks, that takes you back to the good old days.
  9. Lost it half way through, the camera looks like its in your visor lol, nice sounding bike. They certainly like their speed cameras round your way
  10. If I wanted another naked bike, a speed triple would be the one, awesome bikes!
  11. Jesus, just down the road as well, bloody cold here but no snow.
  12. Helloooo, I take it youre from BF, sure i've seen the name before
  13. I'm one of the read but didn't reply, just couldn't think of anything to say mate, sorry
  14. Het Dude, rally on there in April (Ithink) Jugsters!
  15. great route, almost drop in home for a cuppa , about 10 miles ish from home. Can't wait
  16. At least having both parents that ride, he has more kit than you can shake a stick at! The threat of me or his dad giving him a good hididng, should we ever and I mean EVER see him not wearing his kit on the bike, well what can I say. I don't think he would get over it in a hurry! Rose i went out gloveless the other day, waiting for my spanking!
  17. Hi matey, I'm a bit of a fair weather biker myself
  18. This link is care of Lee, polisher extaordinair http://www.thepolishingshop.co.uk/acatalog/Standard_Polishing_Kits.html
  19. Darn, working all weekend, nights
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