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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. I've been looking at their helmets but unsure about buying one without trying it on, how did you get on with the fit?
  2. No but we have the Newlands shopping centre in Kettering
  3. .not bad for a chick though!!! ooooo you're showing your age there XS, can't remember the last time I heard someone call a young lady (creep points please) a "chick"
  4. I'm sure i got my buffalo gloves from them, all went fine.Hope it helps.
  5. Thanks chaps, Trebor it's your fault i got the can as you put the idea in my head lol
  6. I thought all these photos were in your garage, a secret source has told me that its your kitchen My missus would throw me out
  7. Hmmn, some how i think there will be a long list of votes for the Bandit
  8. youve really got the polishing bug now rich Actually got it to chop my mud guard back, but it will come in handy for all sorts.
  9. Not bad for £30, bought in Kettering, don't know if all B&Qs have em
  10. RichardH

    My mate

    The oldies are the besties
  11. Thats true about looking weird as a bloke. My hubby won't go for a walk on his own now as he says you get funny looks off of folks. So we got a rescue Staffie, but shes as lazy as me!! So his still not getting out for a walk!! Isnt that called dogging??
  12. Stratford is good for me when the time comes
  13. saw this on BF, not my kind of thing as bikes go but you have to admire the work that's been put into it
  14. Hya, I also do the odd rally so might see you about
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