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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. Great to have more lady bikers onbord, well done with passing your test
  2. Well how sexist is that!
  3. Well done , I managed a quick ride yesterday, each gets more promising
  4. Just been shown this site by a biking friend, I think it's ok but Dave might not agree http://www.bikerornot.com/
  5. Well the new one is very Posh Too posh for bikers
  6. RichardH

    hi all----

    Don't know how I missed you, to the madness
  7. wow, that is well nice, anyone want to buy a B6K4? I gotta get one of those
  8. well I wanted to say up yours, but it was a lady and she caught me on a polite day so I moved it, it was really thinking about it later that it really wound me up.I wonder if I would be asked to move a small car?
  9. I was on a course today and took the bike, when I got there I parked in one of the visitors spaces and was promply asked to move my bike because there is limited parking. Cheeky fookers why is it cos I'm on a bike they think I should stick it over by the wall , not even a parking space!
  10. obviously a typo. should read £17.00 I think you're about right there mate
  11. That's Euros mate, it's ONLY £25,000
  12. I did try to get a list going but only 3 on it.
  13. Yeh, keep em coming, I'm seeing parts of bikes i didn't even know were there lol
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