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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. RichardH


    I was looking at £100 to £200.
  2. He wont do it himself, just incase he gets oily fingerprints on it!
  3. I'm sure you could tuck it behind the TV
  4. RichardH


    Any had any experience with NITRO or LS2 helmets?
  5. im having 4 days off woohoo!!! off to Portugal on thursday morn You going to see Diane?
  6. I wish there was an answer to these b*st*rds.They have no respect for fook all and no remorse, I had a bike nicked 20 odd years ago and it still annoys me today!
  7. Where are going to put the new one, in the bathroom?
  8. Where does Hawkster come from?
  9. Well well well, I have the week off also
  10. So just to outline here – these are makeshift helmets made by the Egyptians whilst scrapping in their current predicament. I shall guide you through these pieces of registered army kit thus: Your classic 1979 ‘Tribottle rag’ helmet – a must in any type of combat A late 80’s ‘boxhat’. The bloke next to him doesn’t appear too sure of its effectiveness A renaissance period piece of brickwear teamed with a black and cream scarf. Textbook Im not sure that tuna sarnie he is about to lob is gonna cause to much destruction. Old skool 80’s broken bin helmet. I personally love the fact he needs to lift it up to see – does he spend the rest of the time walking in to things?? Textbook saucepaning with lifejacket combo. He does not take any chances!! I literally have no idea what this is. And the winner by 100 miles. This bloke is going to war with 2 baguettes strapped to his ears and a ham salad roll sellotaped to his forehead. I’d def wanna be behind him if someone lobs a load of bricks at me.
  11. نور اگر رفت سایه پیدا نیست نور اگر رفت سایه پیدا نیست پیدا نیست I can't believe you just said that
  12. Keep us posted Dave with costs and how well it goes, this is on my to do list also
  13. Being the miserable git i am, it's my opinion that Vday is a load of comercialised crap!
  14. Some cool pics there Dude but dont seem to be many peeps there
  15. depends what your waist height is though That would be about a foot for Rose
  16. 0.2902 but i reckon I should be given a bonus for getting old
  17. Sorry Mrs Stu i missed you joining, so a late . I do hope you and Stu aren't going to start a " look who i know competition " ( who would win?)
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