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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. I have a tracker but a small mortgage and not long left on it.
  2. Dave can you take off the dayglo stickers, the blue and red lights and the great big POLICE letters.........or he'll never see you mate and just ride straight past
  3. Suppose we had better start a copy /add/ paste list of who WILL be attending I will be attending Itchy
  4. Put down as a DEFO! how the chuff do i get my water skis on the Bandit???
  5. Peejay, no one likes a kiss ass
  6. OOOOOOOOOOOOOh straight to the heart
  7. Looking good M8, you don.t look like Egor any more lol
  8. I bet some people on here could revive that
  9. I've heard this story quite a few times over the years, nearly as bad as peeps that leave their dogs in hot car to slow cook.
  10. I thought you had to pass an eye sight test for your license Matt, didn't notice a chuffin great MARKED volvo hmmmn
  11. well we need to pay more tax to keep the poor scrotes in drugs and alcahol, you wouldn't expect them to work would you?!
  12. You could get an old Fizzer, then it would be the Jizzer Fizzer
  13. Soooooooooooooo much better than the standard, sounds totally awesome!
  14. My new go faster, wake the neighbors can.
  15. Pants on the way to Dave, suggest you boil wash!
  16. nice advert, bet shes good with a helmet
  17. i was best man for my bro inlaw didn't write a speech but knew what i was gonna say. All was going well i was totally calm and stood to give my speech, as I did, I knocked over my drink and went to peaces, ended up mumbling some crap and sitting back down, Moral of the story WRITE YOUR SPEECH DOWN!
  18. @itchy try putting more pressure on those healplates with the stiched mop,then use the last mop ya almost there Thanks for the tip, will have another go when I get some time
  19. i used to work in a meat pie factory years ago and to be fair Birdseye had the best quality ingredients out of all of them.there were no real horror stories just cheaper cuts of meat used by some.
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