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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. Just starting to settle and my fridge might need defrosting by morning
  2. I noticed the inside of the strom cans are a bit rusty, these are steel (I think), what can be seen is just a cover. Can I clean them up and paint them and if so with what? While I'm here the inside of the discs are a bit rusty clean up or paint?
  3. might do the strom think how many Rizzla stickers I could get on that luggage
  4. just sent my mate the pic of the damage, he asked if he did it strapping down? hadn't thought of that, what do you reckon, not a problem if it was, shit, happens but curious
  5. 15:03 Northants, not a sniff, plenty on the ground in Wales yesterday near the brecons
  6. Thanks mate, I saw it earlier, I don't think thats it, looks like the screen surround
  7. well managed to get it home, not quite the pristine bike in the photos but to be fair its worth the £3500 I paid, needs some TLC and should be fine. Main bad thing I found (in daylight) was this, the rest is cosmetic. All in all quite happy happy with it, just need to get some insurance and get out on it
  8. I think Stu might have these, thinking of getting them for the strom to reduce the width, how do they effect handling? as they must be lighter than the originals ( vibration not handling ) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/UNIVERSAL-FLUSH-FIT-BAR-END-ENDS-WEIGHT-MOTORCYCLE-MOTORBIKE-18mm-13mm-BLACK-/260851000751?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item3cbbee65af
  9. Anyone tried any heated bike gear, like the idea of a gillit and under gloves, quite expensive though.
  10. not suprized you didn't have ti drill yours Dick, that's a big hole!!
  11. havent seen a king and queen seat for a while, cracking looking bike Dude
  12. there have been a few on here that seem to have had probs with carol nash if my memory is correct
  13. must have put wrong birth date or summut, but sick of filling forms in now
  14. I bet when he was tunneling he was thinking, finally out of that cesspit
  15. Just done the usual compare site, £180 to £300 Carol Nash £1520 WTF???????????????????????
  16. I have them on the Bandit for the same reason, if they fit the strom I will use them on that or buy some more, well worth it,IMHO
  17. Bring it on, Twin vs Twin then aye? Isn't that a porn film
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