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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. I have a disc alarm but it dont work anymore, pretty sure they wouldn't let me near plan B
  2. Very very nice Dave yes just the right sort of snow and texture also like the way it is cought in the pic as it is falling Bloody marvelous
  3. Bike Alarms?? 1. are they actually worth bothering with 2. home fit or professional 3. which one $. any other info you see fit to post THANKS GUYS
  4. thought you were changing your name??
  5. RichardH

    new job

    Italian Cruise ship captain Francesco Schettino began his new job as a bus driver yesterday.....
  6. you do tyres, just stick some knobblies on and off you go
  7. have you got legal cover with your home buildings and contents insurance ? if so my bank told me i dont need it on my bike insurance as i'd be buying same cover twice Anyone who in a trade union will also be covered for legal, I'm in usdaw and get a free will aswell, not touting for unions just saying.
  8. did you see this on FB Dave Diane Downie WANTED..... Anybody with HGV2 licence fancies a job in MotoGP ...(European rounds only) please PM me or Mark Whitfield
  9. Helloooo, not too far away welcome
  10. there seems to be loads of different ones, does it make any diff which one I get?
  11. thinking of getting one, any tips or views please
  12. sounds like some man love gong on
  13. have you tried public toilets and phone boxes
  14. must do some homework before buying a different bike, never had a v twin or even a double exhaust, very strange but both red hot where the pipes leave the engine, Thanks Dave
  15. Initially yes, should i run it and see how long it takes the other to warm up, would have thought they would both been the same
  16. Bit of a strange one (for me anyway) I just started the Vstrom, there was was smoke coming from the exhaust, fair enough it@s a blinkin cold day, here is the strange bit.The smoke was only coming from one side and when I put my hand over the outlets only the smoking side was hot the other side was emitting cold air??
  17. I get the sentiment but lets put the boot on the other foot, would you want to answer questions about cars on your motorbike test?
  18. I thought they said the ship had a gash in it
  19. Sophie is hurt by your indifference you can stop all that posh talking, use little words please
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