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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. just wizzed around local, wanted to make sure all was Ok as i only did a really quick test ride. Going Ace cafe sunday
  2. not my kinda thing but looks well nice
  3. RichardH


    ooooo more ladies welcome welcome
  4. could it be true, looks like it might be safe/warm enough to actual go for my first ride on the Strom. Fingers and toes crossed
  5. As a foot note, it's no good just going on the list as when you croak it, your family has the final veto, so if it's what you REALLY want let your family know! Foot note 2 I keep offering to share my organ with people and they keep getting the police round?
  6. bargain mate, I just paid £17 for a check up
  7. it's not about money, just hate stickers on my bike or helmet but full marks chad for doing them
  8. Dont listen Chad he wants to collect the reward
  9. How big is the plate you have on now chad it doesnt look to small,but you have said you made the letters smaller thats were it goes wrong,anpr cant read it It came with bike, ill get comparison pic tmoz. But this has caught wheel before let alone normal size I just had another look at the pic, reckon you are asking for trouble there Chad, looks good but is it worth a £60 fine and you would still have to put a bigger one on
  10. it hurt my knees , and i couldn't get on with the riding style,but loved the engine thats what sent me down the king road I thought it was coz you are too old and knackered Dave
  11. Gotta agree with Lee on this one, why draw attention to yourself
  12. It does seem odd to me that people who suposidly have everything, don't seem to able to cope with it, SAD LOSS
  13. RichardH

    Hi all

    wow a cardboard bike thats clever welcome
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