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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. RichardH


    miserable sods took me ages to doctor that photo just to clear up, I only put it up for a joke
  2. Dave will you wear an Arsenal badge not really m8, but thanks for asking was really just after the bike ones really where's the fun in that, it's time to take one for the team
  3. I think we should all get Dave some "special badges" lets see just what he will put on that jacket, the challenge is on folks
  4. Gaz, you're the man, this is what this forum is all about
  5. I'm not suggesting its a hoax, I just saw it as someone sat down, straight away
  6. looks like someone sat on the floor to me, am i the only one that can see knees
  7. RichardH

    Hello Peoples :-)

    welcome to the darkside
  8. saw a good one a while back, picture of a woman but the ad wad for Lizzies bar it said "liquor at the front and poker at the back"
  9. so that's Lassie for Sweban and Girlie for Chad who we gonna call Fatty
  10. Am I missing the point here, aren't they supposed to be rallies attended etc.
  11. both posted same time no dave you was beaten to it
  12. I think in sympathy we should call Chad, GIRLIE
  13. so where did Sweban come from then?
  14. Had a look at the ad but it doesn't say what the wattage of the new lights are. Most flasher units have a rating printed on them for eg 12v 21w x 2. Sounds like the new ones are too lower wattage thus presenting too smaller load to the relay. A simple fix would be to fit a ballast resistor in line to increase the load. Can't give you a value off hand as I don't know the ratings for th flasher or wattage of the bulbs but wire wound are designed for this application and once you have the ratings it's simple to use Ohm's law to get an Ohms value. Yep, that's as clear as mud to us thick folk
  15. I managed to scratch it doing a job, it seems to have some kind of plastic coating, unless its the kind of paint.
  16. just kick it off again, if you build it they will come SUZUKI
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