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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. OK being a bit thick here, still don't know what it is
  2. What you got to loose Dave, pic up a cheapo bike thats all there is to loose , the cost of the bike, go for it mate
  3. yes think Chad has just brought the kit but the kits dont tell ya how to do it It's easy ave stick it on ya drill, smudge some gunge on the pad and go for it
  4. it would be interesting to see a breakdown of the bits of a Bandit and just what they are worth
  5. well you have that old bandit to get you going
  6. nice bike did you take the photo this month, could be pic of the month
  7. that would be good if we could get a gang of us all on Urals with sidecars
  8. It's people like you who keep that anoying singing on my tele
  9. RichardH

    MX Protectors

    I would have bought em..but they are to small on me shoulders and arms I'm built for speed Stu, comes in handy when I have to run away from you big buggers lmao
  10. RichardH

    MX Protectors

    I was toying with a set of these for the summer under motorcross shirt, should be cooler but way too big for me
  11. first time I've seen one mate, dont wear them, have a look at the second pic in http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=knee+sliders+motorcycle&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=je3&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=imvns&source=lnms&tbm=isch&ei=QCUbT9KuFMTLsgaXwJBH&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&cd=2&ved=0CEYQ_AUoAQ&biw=1366&bih=632
  12. http://www.fema-online.eu/index.php?mact=News%2Ccntnt01%2Cdetail%2C0&cntnt01articleid=275&cntnt01returnid=15 thought the knee slider route would be gone down
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