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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. Yeh, keep up Dave, and where is the little thief? Ok, just Google earthed it. just on from the peace centre, see you there Dude
  2. I would gladly give up bikes for a year, for such a megga trip
  3. don't mind a bit of rain but not if its chucking it down
  4. pythageras,(if thats spelt correct I'll eat my hat)
  5. Latest route. A14,M6,A46,meet with Dave,A422,A44
  6. very nice, i like Horny Hornets
  7. well if it's cancelled i expect you to post my
  8. looks nicer with the silver cans Dude
  9. Certainly is mate, but Emmerich's only about 15 miles over the border and this is supposed to be the easiest way. At least I get to blow my remaining expenses on cheap porn at Schiphol when I come back Me and a few mates are looking to do a rideout to Pegasus Bridge next year, can you send me the route please, Thanks
  10. well you can fook off if you think you're having my sausage sarnie at Stus rideout. Glad things are moving forward for you mate
  11. thing is its old farts like you causing the wind TOUCHE
  12. Be careful Chad, strong winds can do a lot of damage to Pansies
  13. And there was me thinking it was a PHONE!
  14. [quote="Davehutch"] just noticed the "WD 40 " on the table in the bed room
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