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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. RichardH

    cheap gloves

    http://www.busters-accessories.co.uk/productinfo/247058/Clothing-and-Helmets/Winter-Gloves/BF looking for some cheap gloves, might get these as they seem reasonably priced
  2. were they made of slate? Hmmn I'm 4 years older than you
  3. i put 3 on the plastic, all crap.!!!
  4. well would you believe it, I had one decal left so thought, what is there to loose and stuck it on my tank. It went straight on, not a bubble in sight (yet). The only difference is the panels were plastic and the tank is metal but surely it shouldn't matter??
  5. why did you have to pay? it had a 1st class stamp on it?? Dawn says that means it's 12p short and they charge £1 for the shortage, theiving
  6. So what's this got to do with me??
  7. This is real, scroll down to the customer reviews, NOT FOR KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. NO!! but it can be spent on the king , new tyres , rack , and other stuff haha! and new exhausts? also come down and see me asked boss about may off, and also pusing for august Do want to swap it for a 600 Bandit
  9. yeh did that, loads of tiny bubbles that i just cant get rid of, no matter now, not buying another set
  10. ,Decals in the bin!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. welcome welcome welcome
  12. you are one spoiled Great gloves, fantastic wife
  13. I think he might already have one
  14. ooooo, makes me cringe just thinking about it, you must have a Guardian Angel Dude, glad you got back home OK
  15. AWWWWWWWWWW, thanks mate, sent you a prezzie, watch the post
  16. Zim, welcome to the wonderful world of waterproof bike gear
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