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Everything posted by streetfighter

  1. I'll get her to bake some for the southern meet, u'll ave ta get in quick stue coz ive heard we ave got a greedy lot on ere lol
  2. Roll on 2012 sod the olympics, lets get our site even bigger and let the games begin.
  3. Just aving a look through and saw this post, i liked the clash and the sex pistols 2thumb
  4. We want a pic then chad to see if your telling the truth This is what my 12 year old baked for xmas, she loves baking cakes
  5. We want a pic then chad to see if your telling the truth
  6. very true and parts ave probably have happened to many of us. Good read
  7. Very nice i liked it, but the only thing that done my head in was the bloke keep on zooming in and out, someone count how many times it was please, i cant watch anymore
  8. Looks tasty could ave a big chunk of that chocolate cake, But sod the mince pies not my cup of tea dick sorry mate lol
  9. streetfighter

    HI :}

    welcome to the forum mate enjoy Oh and my name is Michael to me MUM lol But everyone else calls me Micky or Mick
  10. Here's to stue Dave an dick for making this my second home thanks to the 3of ya and I hope to meet you all in the new year, plus meet up with as many members as we have cheers for the new year to everyone . Micky
  11. Very good Stue can see my son wanna try that with him doing the micro scooters and the roller blades
  12. Very good Stue can see my son wanna try that with him doing the micro scooters and the roller blades
  13. Eventually put some on. Photobucket was so slow
  14. they look good are they comfortable
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