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Everything posted by streetfighter

  1. Chad just ask take your liecence they can only say no. Then just go elswhere
  2. Looks good i'd like to do it, would be good if you could set up a paintball version with the bike and side cars
  3. Its looking good chad it will be lovely when its finished
  4. It certainly is Mick I agree with you guys,( I'd luv to have a place like his.) & I think what he says is true of most 'hand-on', trades; I spent 5.yrs learning my trade,with very poor money, youngster now expect £500- pr week or they aren't interested in owt,& wonder why foreigners are snapping up jobs. We have spoilt our kids to a point where they are pretty well useless, and skilled people are a dying breed. I just love listerning to people with that sort of knowledge on bikes, I would also love to see a proper documentory on him i bet it would be great
  5. same i post more crap in the shoutbox than the actual forum, never tend to look inside just keep an eye on my private messages from different bits I'm the same chad but don't even go in the shoutbox, jus check me pm's to keep up wiv people i ave met
  6. Just thought id bring this back to life if you dont mind http://vimeo.com/20789680 do you think its a dying art? answers on a postcard.
  7. Go on bf once in a blue moon this is HOME for me, I like all the people on ere and you can ave a laugh with no one getting the hump. Mods you are doing a great job keep it up
  8. Aftershave al pacino dvd box set fast and the furious dvd box set close to the edge dvd Mcn motorbike show Excel ticket 10 scatch cards (got a fiver back) chocolates jacket
  9. why do they do it, makes me sick i hate people like this would love to catch someone stealing someones pride and joy,
  10. You ave all had some great work done i'll put mine on soon
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