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Everything posted by streetfighter

  1. Thats ridiculas how can they justify something like that, chad just be careful then
  2. Any pics. Hope it aint the same colour of my b6 that got stolen lol
  3. How funny some little village in the middle of knowhere
  4. looking good can't wait to see it when its finished
  5. I will keep you updated for sure, just gonna look around and not get the first one i see.
  6. Looking good dave, as said watch the paint work with that loose lead, i'm sure it will be fine though and you will sort something with it
  7. Think your right there stue m1 it is an just do some tinkering with that to make it my own, but as u said before you new how much I loved my b6 so watch this space for the B12, I'll be asking for advice in the maintenance and project sections now. The only thing is I'll be commuting aswell as working on it.
  8. Now I'm even more in a spin but it looks like a B12 and gradually ad to that, it will deffo be the mk1 I love the raw looks of them, I'll just have to make it into my own bike slowly, but I do like the blades without the fairing but I love the ride of the bandit, my b6 had a busa front end on it when I got it how hard is it to change the forks to upsidedowns, anyway I'm sure some one will be along to help knowing you guys cheers micky
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