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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. according to this email!!!!And they don,t wanna no much! Dear E-mail User, Your email has just won the sum of £1,000.000.00 GBP in cash credited to a file in the just concluded COCA COLA DONATIONS held on Draw: Date: Saturday 12/06/2011. You were selected among the lucky recipients to receive the Grand sum of one million Great Britain pounds sterling in cash credited to fill ktu/9023118308/03 approved by Coca-Cola Board held in London, United Kingdom. ==================================== Winning Numbers: 17, 57, 28,32,38,73 bonus 50. Ticket Number: ktu/5323116540/01 Secret No: 0648432/10 Draw Date: Sunday 12/06/2011 ====================================== Be informed that a cheque will be issued in favor of your name as the lucky beneficiary and also your winning cheque will also been handed over to the European Union, to make delivery to your address. At this point you are advice to contact our authorized Organization to enable them commences with the delivery immediately. CONTACT INFORMATION. E-mail: coca_cola.donations@hotmail.co.uk Name: Dr. David Patrick (1) NAME: (2) ADDRESS: (3) MOBILE NUMBER: (4) DATE OF BIRTH: (5) SEX: (6) OCCUPATION: (7) COUNTRY: ( STATE: Sincerely, Dr. Jill Midkiff Tel: +44-701 004 5658. 12/06/2011. All Rights Reserved 1991-2011
  2. XS1100


    No they where fun bikes and fun times Dave
  3. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1994-NEVAL-DNEPR-11-CLASSIC-BLACK-/160599230668
  4. XS1100


    Yer not a big 2 stroke fan but loved this bike.
  5. I had one of these like the red un was GT750 le mans I sold it to a mate and it was knicked after 2 weeks he had it.
  6. Good pics been raining all day here
  7. DONKEY!!!!!! Thats me beer money gone Ha well I will get it back on this one Kyllachy Storm 2.30 then I'll have to start selling bits of the bandit to survive. Getting desperado now :(anthor donkey Louis Hull @ 25/1 (GP)or I home less! And the moral of the story is,,,,,,,,,,,, Don't bet on nags when there nowt else to do
  8. but have no disire to have one myself,excellent art work though.and far better line and colours than years ago imho
  9. Run down the bookies and put your life savings on this beast. On second thoughts may be not Watch this space and laugh !!!!!!! SALISBURY 14:00 HANDICAP 1m 4f 0y Win or E/W Each Way Odds: 1/5 places 1,2,3 Milnagavie @ 7/1 (GP) But on 2nd thought the odds are looking dodgy now mugs game init
  10. Nice pics looks like a good blag
  11. In some drunken stooper I bought some of these Neodymium Magnets, Thought may be I could invent some sort of Linea motor, fit it to a space ship and fly to the moon! However health and safety prevent such a scene. so I simply stuck one to the sump plug and the gearbox drain plug of my car and it now catches any loose bits of metal that floating about in there. Mind you on a cold day the magnet is so strong it will prevent the engine from turning over! suppose it would work on the bike to. mind you some cars and bikes already have magnetic plugs from stock.
  12. " If you get a fixed penalty notice through the post which carries points the computer will first send a demand for cash. When you pay it then sends a demand for your licence to add the points. It can't handle the endorsement and payment at the same time (alledgedly) and it can't process points until the payment is sorted and complete. So if you overpay the fixed penalty it must issue a refund. Now the science bit. If you overpay the fine by £1 the computer will automatically generate a refund cheque and send it to you. *** DO NOT CASH THIS CHEQUE *** BIN IT The system then remains open and cannot generate the "send me your licence" demand. It does record that you paid so it doesn't generate the "follow up unpaid" demand. There is (apparently) no human intervention in this process and as it has your money it will leave you alone. Obviously the more this get circulated the greater the possibility it will come to the all seeing powers that be attention and the loophole will close. But for the mean time CIRCULATE IT Allegedly What yer think? I don't think the above would work but hey ho, My only solution would be keep to the speed limits simples!
  13. FBHVC is measuring the British Historic Vehicle Movement Interesting survey http://fbhvc.co.uk/2011/05/24/2011-survey-now-underway-2/
  14. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1930s-raliegh-sidevalve-v-twin-trike-/250835150478?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item3a66f0a68e
  15. I spent almost every weekend all the year round pulling in rallys cus I hated living at home. some weekends I would do 2 rallys one friday night and then ride to the next saturday afternoon to the next and be down me local sunday night.and still be up for work at 6 the Monday morning. some weeks I was so skint after the weekend I would have to pedal to work all week untill we got paid Friday.
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