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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. check the tappet clearance on the inlet valve that it popped the cover off. My Bandit also spits back in to the air box after its been stood over winter or if stood for very long periods of time,My conclusion for this is that wile its stood you will always have 2 inlet and 2 exhaust valves open,I think the damp gets in around the valve seats and for a wile say a 20/30 mile it dose this untill they reseat and the craps burnt off. I stand to be corrected though.
  2. Looks like the New Lifan is based on the new Mini Nice Boots
  3. NATIONAL POTATO CHIP DAY hooray March 14th in the good old USA
  4. Spent a few hours sorting a few bits out this weekend now its About ready to roll me thinks
  5. Looks a bit of dump Stu all that green stuff them tree things and blue sky recon I might tax mine
  6. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/GPO-BSA-BANTAM-125CC-1962-PROJECT-/300536052897?pt=UK_Motorcycles&hash=item45f9583ca1
  7. How much dose it cost them to make if they can retail at that price!
  8. Cheap as Charlie Chips http://www.scooter.co.uk/?gclid=CMD4y9zLy6cCFYEc4QodaWZuDw
  9. Clair also drinks in the Vic from time to time. but which VIC (Baby sham bullet) watch yer back
  10. I might plat it later and wear a ribbon and some black eye liner then give Claire a bell
  11. It fired up and ran well! I had to clean the crud out of the carb put some fresh juice in and free the clutch plates off as they had stuck together. A few kicks and it started I just need to fit the chair and we ready to rock!Its a trials outfit.
  12. Nice picture Stu, dose your sister live local or far away?
  13. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1960-BSA-BLACK-/330540370056
  14. Yer its unusal to see a loco on that line I was supprised.
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