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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. I had a nice day tinkering about in the garden cleaning my bikes and fitting a new clutch in the T80, When I could here a sound coming from in the distance I legged it up staires and took this picture from my bedroom window! a full on Loco blagging down the London main line sounded well good
  2. Good clean honest Beesa better then money in the bank ! sounds sweet as
  3. its looking more like melt down this morning, that will really screw things up!!!!!!! whirlpool
  4. http://kevindean.zenfolio.com/p20230307/slideshow
  5. Good job! That spinning back wheel is just waiting to chop off fingers!
  6. Newark this Sunday 13/3/11 Massive auto jumble
  7. My thoughts are with the Japenese right now, Early this week I was moaning becouse my van needed a few repaires,We have no worrys live for the now!!! The girls shown on TV holding the wine racks up in the supermarket in a 8.9 earthquake jeeeeeeze bless um......
  8. Gaz dont you mean we will For the sake of 50 odd mile, we may as well do the Angel of the North grab a bag of chips and call in the cafe on the way back. not the best of rides A1/M1 be about 300 easy miles round trip.init
  9. May have to blag over there and check it out.
  10. Well I am well stuffed now off out on the Grifter!before we get to porky
  11. for cleaning off parts DIY Soda Blaster http://www.aircooledtech.com/tools-on-the-cheap/soda_blaster/
  12. Addictive! all so the best looking bird I have seen in ages
  13. Hi what car and what happerns when you turn the key apart from the fact it dont start dose the engine turn over?
  14. Went to a fancy dress party last night dressed as a loaf of bread.The birds were all over me
  15. unless your high on Bomb Bay mix its sad to see gods creatures in such a confused state of mind mmmmm reminds me
  16. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Free-Energy-Generator-Engine-No-Gas-Diesel-Oil-Fuel-/330538515795?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4cf5a17d53
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