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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. Last ran 1994 is when the tax disc expired,And is when we last used the bike. 6 April 2011 it ran again with little work needed a good carb clean and some fresh juice I nicked out the strimmer same mix! 50-1 :lol
  2. 17 years and it turn in to white gloss emulsion its a rip off!
  3. Its me little Honda XL125 its only stood for 17 years, I did get it running though needs work removing the crud out the tank.
  4. I uncoverd one of my bikes the other day and had a look inside the petrol tank to find a right mess! looked just like the skin on top of a left open tin of paint. whats that all about? I need to get the stuff out off there now.pics later
  5. I was or would have, but have to go sunny powys at 6.00pm So I can spend the day fettling with the fantic.besides other stuff that needs to be sorted out at the old dears. Might go for a blag Friday as I owe a bacon sarnie to some geesa.............if your not doing owt init My Lead.
  6. I always use perfomance bike tyres on Oakland road off welford road.For the sake of a few quid ride in have a cuppa tea and ride out with new boots fitted and balanced not wourth mucking about.imho
  7. Thanks peejay, I can sleep now
  8. And me my lad as the same bike cost more than me bandit Check out Danny top geesa
  9. XS1100


    Welcome mate its a great forum enjoy regards XS
  10. No idea all I want to know is what the hell brand is a lite ale what gose in the pint glass when I ask for lite & bitter? I wonder if I went down the boozer now and ask for the above they would think silly old sod what the hell you on about?its sick init like.......
  11. but what was the lite ale?
  12. http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/UK-News/Bikers-In-Respect-Ride-For-UK-Troops-Through-Wootton-Bassett-In-Aid-Of-Afghan-Heroes-Charity/Article/201104115965122?lpos=UK_News_First_Home_Article_Teaser_Region_0&lid=ARTICLE_15965122_Bikers_In_Respect_Ride_For_UK_Troops_Through_Wootton_Bassett_In_Aid_Of_Afghan_Heroes_Charity
  13. Funny thing Dave is my missis had a similer artical in vogue magazine Thanks Dave reading that I can get my sag to with in there limit by backing off the pre load, just need to top the Noz up now
  14. Hi Chas, I followed your instructions and with some slight adjustment with the pre load I now have 27mm so I will call it a day.& have a look at the rear shock which set to the middle setting. cheers Any thing to keep up with Dave
  15. Fetch big bucks now if you can find one,XS 1100's are rare as a lot where made in to trikes and lowriders.And the the rest crashed out with there superbike handling quilitys!
  16. and with derry boots waxed cotton riding gear and Stadium full face lid!!!!!
  17. Thanks for that Chas It will give me some thing to do in the morning. As for handling any better any things better than riding the old 70s XS tea trolly handling.My Bandit could totaly worn out and still handle better then any thing I have been use to
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