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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. http://www.manualedereparatie.info/en/categorii its an Italian site (still very easy to navigate) & all the manuals are downloadable in English, it lists pretty much every motorbike you can think of and all the downloads are free with no REGISTERING, DOWNLOAD LIMITS OR SUBSCRIPTIONS enjoy
  2. Another one of my old relics thats stood around wile the Nomads had a tea break. Not started since 84 all the fuel lines rotted and leaking starter motor seized up. will it breath again hoooo yes it will live again just needs a litte TLC I all ready made a start polishing the case's I want it to look like this when its done. Or dress it up like this. We like cross dressing stuff my mate Clare like to help
  3. spotted this old shed the other day the owner got me right out the shiyt! Thanks Stu for all your efforts much appreciated The picture dose no justice its a well nice beast!!!!
  4. My mate had is Bandit nicked they paid up very quick! I,ve been with um about a million years although I must say there is no loyalty these days I would switch if a better deal came up.To be honest I carn't be arsed to ring round and find the 10 pound fully comp multi bike deal Stan be nice to um
  5. Wile in North Scotland I spotted this on the beach and ran like hell!
  6. Also its done the same to the fuel lines on my BMW R100/R I have since read about this affecting fibreglass petrol tanks and turning them in to a mush!
  7. I was down the shed today and could smell petrol looks like the Ethanol in the petrol as rotted the fuel lines and the petrol tap diaphrams on the XS could this be so?
  8. thats what I have been looking at I will go find a horsey shop in the week and have a ganda
  9. There are a few good ideas I can use in the horsey department cheers for that Mrs stu
  10. Yer your right chill and watch the Grand prix thats really boring I spent a week of bliss in the highlands and have come crashing down to doing sod all today.
  11. Steve went to must have been a wile ago though http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=steve+mcqueen+isdt&hl=en&sa=X&prmd=ivnso&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&ei=X3zGTaeoJ4OHhQfd_c36Aw&ved=0CCgQsAQ&biw=1600&bih=799
  12. I would be so pissed about that I have to do sumat.
  13. Linky loads of pics here saves me a million years loading mine and gives you and idea of where I have been and watched,now its back to work and the old routeen great init. refresh the page if it dose not pull up. http://www.ssdt.org/index.php?option=com_phocagallery&view=categories&Itemid=40
  14. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120719421892&ru=http%3A%2F%2Fsearch.ebay.co.uk%3A80%2Fsearch%2Fsearch.dll%3FMfcISAPICommand%3DGetResult%26ht%3D1%26SortProperty%3DMetaEndSort%26query%3D120719421892%26ssPageName%3DADME%3AB%3ATB2%3AUK%3A2%26from%3DR18%26fvi%3D1
  15. Well sick! as my kids say
  16. The ones made in Japan now sadly glow in the dark!
  17. What do you out there carry on your bikes?? Like I carry a small tool kit tie raps and a roll of electrical tape on the Bandit.
  18. Thats a good idea thank her for that Stu, by the way did you enter the duck race
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