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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. Chain drive theres a lot to be said about shaft drive None this messing about,
  2. First,Every year I read of people loosing bits of fingers becouse they lubericate the chain with the bike running in gear on the center stand and then spend the rest of the day down hospital have surgery DON'T DO IT!!! It will end in You might need to do this to. Time to drag the bike out after a winter of doing nothing. First I took a look at the new DID Chain and sprockets I fitted just before the end of last summer and to my supprise RUST on the rollers! So I spent the afternoon cleaning my chain checking the adjustment and then Lubricating with Castrol lube.It might be an idea just to check the soft link wile your at it.
  3. XS1100


    I am well posh me
  4. XS1100


    Your welcome if you stuff news paper down the inside of your jacket that keeps you toasty warm to.An old Motorcycle news works well
  5. My mates names clair what a nice guyish derrrr weird
  6. Rose its your go cheers Gaz and good luck
  7. here is there mate with no clothes
  8. ok i screwed up to much barley wine ROSE its your go me duck
  9. Name the chick and win ago to pin up another.
  10. Stu, don,t post stuff like that I will never get owt done cus I could just watch it all day long its sick mate!!!!!!!! bloody good
  11. I noticed the pitted lobe did want to pick faults though Suzuki build quilty my xs as done 100,000 not a mark never had to adjust the valves clearances.
  12. Hi Tim the reason it ran rubbish with the bottle attachment was may be fuel starvation as the bottle could not breath there is no vent hole.Just a though have a nice night.you did a good job.
  13. XS1100


    Make sure your boots are not to tight and that your feet have room to move.then use a couple plastic bags over your socks,Your street cred gose down the pan but you will have cosy feet and dry cus leather boots leak when it bins it down.
  14. I just went and dug the Raleigh Griffter out my shed!
  15. Well no it's my mate Clare HOO LA GA GA, yer tis
  16. Damn good that Dave no H&S there then! That dog almost copt out wow!
  17. yep shoots He scores I gave that away there are some weird one's here http://www.dieselbike.net/privateconversions/privateconversionsI-R.htm
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