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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. We paying for other peoples mismanagement, ing
  2. That looks well nice,Your oil level ok?
  3. capital gains tax on property theft! Fuel Duty 1.37 a liter Diesel theft! VAT 20% theft The list gose on and on I getting sick of it all now,starting to get board.
  4. Have a look at this taste....less advert....
  5. Stu I think in moderation it ok,Mr Reagan swills a little to much though don't you think,
  6. Now, bear with me... http://www.break.com/pranks/hot-chick-pranked-in-bathroom.html
  7. But not my Brain its been formatted to many times
  8. Not yet skint, but its a good piece of philosophy I Can load 20 CDs and it stays the same weight good init........
  9. Now a question. Does an Ipod (whatever that is) get heavier the more information it contains? if not why not? Curiouser and curiouser!
  10. Whisky and ginger is good also with ice but only with cheep nasty stuff, I like single malt on its own but there are loads out there these days. Rum is good with coke and Gin is good for degreasing Good site that and one for my list to check out cheers.
  11. Whisky From time to time I like a drop of the stuff its getting expensive so I am saving me pennies, so when me piggy banks full I am going up shop to treat me self.So Which one do you recon I should spend the pig on?
  12. Let us no how you get you get on I am interested in the customer service and the standard of is work :)I need some bits doing to.
  13. If its the wheels you will need to remove the tyres and bearings and blank off the hubs. try these http://www.oif.uk.com/ But having said that check this out! http://www.motorcyclenews.com/MCN/community/Forums/Categories/Topic/?topic-id=365298
  14. Here is a good linky http://www.thegoodoil.tv/
  15. That Link don't work Dave its dodgy, try this one www. oops forgot
  16. Another thing I noticed why live in a house thats run down yet have this parked outside?
  17. Same here Dave grafted hard all my life never took a bean of the state paid big tax bills so they could go to war and blow the shit out of people! One other thing my friend worked for a big firm who had a pub contract,So he gets to go in pubs working in the day time he said how come all these low lifes get to drink in the day smoke Bensons and play pool? When all he could do was smoke roll ups and buy 4 cans of Carling on the odd night, dose my head in,No wonder Jack Reagan gets pissed off........
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