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Everything posted by Stue11

  1. Glad to hear that mate keep it going and youll see the results
  2. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300572002526&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300572005875&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT
  3. Well on sunday i clocked up 205 miles and whilst riding wernt that uncomfortable, mind you last night didnt sleep to well having said that went out again this morning with wifey on the back and again felt ok. Just got back in from me second round of physio and sarah who deals with me was impressed in how i was coming along so shes set me another set of tasks including squats but without carrying 30kilo like i normaly do me next appointment is the 20th july so fingers crossed i can keep up the good work building up to me op
  4. My mates family used to work there, i say that after reading this post, thank god nooene was hurt
  5. Bloodyhell Gill thats bad... i done 205 miles yesterday and woke up this morning a bit soare so ile just keep taking the pain killers and hopefully keep riding untill me op it would kill me if i couldnt ride for that amount of time
  6. Going to buy a pump this morning for our blow up beds, and seen as its still sunny im taking the
  7. Well done mr Hancock glad you had a good time, dont forget the pics
  8. Im paying for it tonight but well worth it when you getting the knee sorted?Hopefully no later than september sooner the better though
  9. yes mate,ive got my eye on one now,but want to veiw before I hit the buy it now Please show us Lee
  10. yes mate its gone ive got the next two weekends to myself,so hopefully will get out and look at some
  11. Yea that was Abergavenny mate we left there at 11.30 mate i normally post up on here my whereabouts at weekends, but i didnt this time as i wernt sure how my knee would hold up, thats a pity mate would have been good to meet up
  12. Im sure someone on here will give you the advise, if it were me id ring dvla and ask em
  13. it says dawe shut up! my sight isnt what it used to be should have gone to spec savers chadYour only 18 Chad stay out of the bathroom and leave yourself alone
  14. allthough its a good example of one
  15. its daves! look at the name on it it says dawe
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