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Everything posted by Stue11

  1. No dont get me wrong Robbie mate i hear ya and fully understand what your saying they now my thoughts on this matter and they now me well...im upfront and honest and tell folk in everday life as it is...no bull and to be honest Robbie i couldnt care a if they found this post, yea i know its not clever to discuss certain matters in life on a public site but sometimes its either post and discuss or smack and go bust its just the way i am but Robbie i do here ya mate you are a wiseman but to me a job is just a job and i know im only a number just like everyone else and if worse come to worse i'd find summat else, my health is more important than any job Now there's 2 words that are never usually in a sentence together
  2. No dont get me wrong Robbie mate i hear ya and fully understand what your saying they now my thoughts on this matter and they now me well...im upfront and honest and tell folk in everday life as it is...no bull and to be honest Robbie i couldnt care a if they found this post, yea i know its not clever to discuss certain matters in life on a public site but sometimes its either post and discuss or smack and go bust its just the way i am but Robbie i do here ya mate you are a wiseman but to me a job is just a job and i know im only a number just like everyone else and if worse come to worse i'd find summat else, my health is more important than any job
  3. Could do Stan perhaps this one would do it This brother would do anything i'd ask him too
  4. A few years ago Stan i would have em but to much to loose these days
  5. Yea dont worry guys revenge will be sweet jelousey gets folk now were
  6. Lets just say that a certain member of staff as been to some of me biggest customers saying im ripping em off and havent a clue what im doing....needless to say ive been doing this job since i was 16....anyway turns out hes opened his/her mouth to the wrong customer only for them to report him/her and his so called findings to head office... and out of 25 top paying customers who on average spend 25k a month with me only one had a problem...oh and the one customer that did have a problem happens to be his mate what a coincedence anyway i have nothing to say or do but head office will and i cant wait for this news to hit him/her...and when it does by god im gonna celebrate with a few Happy Days folks
  7. Stue11

    not all that new

    Welcome back Matt im sure youll slot back in
  8. Bloodyhell Rob you could have cleaned her first cant wait neither
  9. I would have given up look forward to seeing em fitted
  10. god help anyone who comes sunday with a caravan on back
  11. Good job Dick allthough i have seen better only kidding
  12. Dave i hope youve got enough bacon mate ile now for deffinate on friday who will be coming but as of today there another 8 of me mates asking to come ile post on the list friday night for sure numbers
  13. Welcome back Airlock crt played a big part in Stoner retireing and yea Rossi wants a wet race every round good to see him back up front though
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