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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. its not an issue mark! i need to redo the grey anyway as the stuff i was supplied was piss thin, and was a different colour! so i need to do a bit of the tank, bit of the nose cone, and the seat cowl anyway!
  2. ooopsy, some wally wnated sparking knee sliders, well today i caught one on the seat cowl and one of the rodds stripped the paint to primer! any how had a great ride out today
  3. missed it as i was out on the bike!
  4. one of my best mates uncles had a rocket! with a supercharger on it! bet that was a beast! haha! 6 grand to fix the engine when it blew up,
  5. nice one! where is cockermouth? It's in Cumbria dude ahh were the sheep rididng the bikes? and you should go say hi to dick
  6. i know it snowed on west coast. madness
  7. its all good fun on here,good banter with good folk yep!!! or i wouldnt have been a member still for almost 2 and a half years! Thats because Dave wouldn't let his tent bitch go anywhere else too right!
  8. will do mate! was good last year only 6ki bikes not 35k like hastings was this year, but set up nicely, live music from ace cafe. and good stalls
  9. being into my cars as well (not as much as bikes) this did make me laugh
  10. its all good fun on here,good banter with good folk yep!!! or i wouldnt have been a member still for almost 2 and a half years!
  11. with me people woinder why a kid is riding a zx9r cos there not very fast must be that heavy fairing!! haha
  12. anyone doing this on the up and coming bank holiday monday! hope the weather clears up
  13. no worries in mate! sorry it couldnt be more! still its a good cause
  14. with me people woinder why a kid is riding a zx9r
  15. dont say that! It cant get any worse ban him stue!
  16. this is one of the most random posts ive seen!! and gaz has posted some random things
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