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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. bet the clown cant ride it. just a publisity stunt
  2. my sv wasd 297 for 1 year tpft, but i am 19 :/
  3. First touch down. Only a touch but stil.... And got few more before calling it a day http://s1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff466/Chadatious/?action=view&current=VIDEO0016.mp4 Video by the way.
  4. Chadatious

    belly pan

    got a belly pan, was told for sv650 but wasnt, is hacked, needs work, ideal for v twin or single cylinder project, seeing as its you guys cover postage and its yours
  5. dont im getting lost, got to point of a vinyl stripe lol. :P its well past me i can spray anything, just not airbrush
  6. only jealous your arthritic old legs are no good for this
  7. yeah :/ dang, cant havent got the artist brain for this
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