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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. blimey, thats bad, its been hot here all day, was so hiot in the workshop, 28 degreese and very muggy
  2. In bits till the bloke fixes my wheel. Also got myself checked today, no breaks just ligament damage and and nice bit of bruising.
  3. oooh lol. in motocross we used exhaust bungs
  4. hope that she gets it back and justice will be served
  5. nice to see you back, and whats on your exhaust?
  6. thats why the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer
  7. cb1000r over the st for me everytime You got a good job Chad ? No ill explain to ya at some point. Got to wait till I'm 21 so just over year and half so ill keep sv till then
  8. any pics? and told you not to sell your silly billy wait till i get my honda cb1000r or speed tripple in just over a year sooo excited
  9. _ # # # - # - # # # - # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # and theres my middle finger for ya
  10. im getting worried. id have one if both rear wheels were driven, DRIFFFT!!!
  11. nice little track, we have one like that here, lydden hill, either a road track, or half road hald rally cross,
  12. why nice one stan does that mean you can make the souther ride
  13. OH comon! you lot have changed,
  14. My dogs mental he chases everyone down the road on a motorbike. So I've hidden the keys to the R1 from him.
  15. what the wheel? i know where he lives, and im seeing what he said tomorrow hes bouind to back track like he has then ill say new wheel or insurance, you choose!
  16. lets see what he sayd tmoz once hes phoned that place, and i will say i want a reciept for proof that its been done professionally.
  17. no he keeps saying he needs it cheap. i said i dont care about cheapo mate, you damaged my bike i want it sorted asap and properly or i will go through your insurance, way hes back chatting it worried me, but was he insured to drive his wifes car
  18. okay good news on me feeling a lot better and been workin in a bodyshop today with very little pain. bike wise where the wheels buckled i told him he could replace it as £100 to £150 for a new one, he said he cant afford it and would pay to have it refurbed, that sayd from £75 i bet you it will be more for mine. yet some how hes fixe dhis car first hes going to take my wheel down thursday, if he doesnt sort it i will be contacting his insurance and he can pay the high excess rather than pay £110 for a nice wheel and be done with it
  19. they quoted me £320, rang them, couldnt understand the woman really strong accent from north i think, and she said that £360, i said why the quote says £320 and she said oh thats wrong, told her where to shove it and then tried bennetts direct and it was £297
  20. ive found bennetts very good so far, swindon harrase you 24/7 its like a stalker on your phone, and mce are robbing bastards excess is stupid high, and if you cancel a policy or they owe you money they wont pay for 4 months
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