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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. good isnt it :P haha and yeah better got it wrapped in this bandage stuff really tight and helps bit time! and yeah hes talking to his wife first. wlel hurry up cos i want my bike back! took it oput yesterday as it is rideable, just to check it works fine and i didnt feel confident on it, its not me its just on that bike, i dont know what to do! think just get out on it asap is the best thin to do, i want a bigger bike but insurance is cheaper next year and i cba to get a new bike just cos of my stupid brain!
  2. windy but blue sky here, but cant ride!
  3. Il let your mum check me over any day - glad your ok - but if you ever want to get out on a bike - ether use my 125 or you can come on the back m8 Your mums the milf mate, and no I didn't fall bike stood up in his ring
  4. Bike is damaged then! put your claim in. I presume you swapped details? yep if its just wheel i dont mind if its replaced like when someone hit my car it was £70 to repair so it was done the next week. but if forks etc are bent then i will be talking to his insurance
  5. mark thats why everyone insurance is high fake claims my wrist elt better working today but now im resting it hurts like a bitch. if its bad tomorrow i may go get it checked. how much would a specialist cost as im flat broke? and found the front wheels buckled slightly, and it feels twitchy, also got jordan to ride it as hes ridden it a few times before and he agreed with me.
  6. to be honest i do, i tend to not buy bikes with over 30k, i would if i knew the history though
  7. thanx everyone. feeling better today, the wrist its ligament, not been hospital but mum used to be a nurse and ive damaged those ligaments to hell and its the same pain, not much swelling. it will go bike looks straight but got a mate up soon to lift the front check it all works fine and check for any tiny cracks. got his details if needed.
  8. Okay no need to worry guys and gals but I thought I'd let you know I had an accident on the bike today. Nothing too big luckily was only doing about 20. A car pulled out a side road on my left and I was just getting up to speed to not tearing away or it could have been nasty. Bike seems okay just a scratch that I won't claim unless the bikes bent at all. Myself I'm okay, just a bruised stomach, painful wrist, and it shook me up quite a bit. Still could have been a lot worse just means no bike for a bit as I can't pull the clutch in Also bikes fine as my tyre hit his wing. He couldn't open his door, and was deep so he came off a lot worse
  9. nice! love the zeds and see youve got the low mounted plate again
  10. ill be calling you step mum next and does mel know your escaping?
  11. i love a good country lane blast, pull up at a nice spot, with that smell and the clicking as the bike cools.
  12. okay spoke to james' mum and she said circumstances dont make me self employed, so unless its going to be legal ill have to give it a miss
  13. yeah im 19, but got to watch it doesnt go tits up with mr tax man etc too
  14. everyone here saying miss it, but then tutors, and others saying go for it as at the min getting a work placemenbt for the college is like gold dust, and like dad said will it be this or stuck at that hotel
  15. Chadatious


    welcome and that bikes yummy
  16. crap :/ finally thought i was going somewhere. im going to talk to jameses mum tonight an administrator, and ill talk to the bloke, saying im interested but as an employee, hes up to his neck in it, if i can show how hard i can work etc you never know, i wont give up just try to meet him half way
  17. Employer as I'm 19. And I'm lost so it would be illegal then? That's what I don't wana do
  18. good on him, local guy to me on a speed tripple in a wheelchain still rides 2 wheels, and bungs the wheelchair on the back
  19. that triumph looks nice but not sure on the tail
  20. okay as most of you know i need a job in a body shop to get onto the next level of my course. Good news i have been offerd a job, its not set hours, and pay its paied by what the job is etc. bad bit is hes not isnured to take on employees, so i would have to take the cash and pay my own tax returns, and liability insurance. what worries me is ill pay these then he will drop me, and due to being self em0ployed id have to pay my own college fee what is £1700. my tutors said go for it as its a foot in the door, im going to talk to an administrator? i think its called?? what do you guys reckon its the job i want to do its that or wait to see if an apprenticeship comes up, but if it doesnt im stuck on minimum wage in a hotel, when i know its a big risk but do we get anywhere in life without taking that risk?
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