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Everything posted by Chadatious

  1. as above? mr griff at aprilia performance, what he doesnt know or can do to aprilias isnt worth knowing.
  2. all packaged ready to go. ill try and get them sent tomorrow if i get time between work
  3. i want snow so i can go out and play on my mates quad but only for a couple days cant afford to be off for weeks lol
  4. yeah warmed up now last week had to leather all the forecourt cars off as not much to do and they were all ice cubes
  5. Well i see its getting a bit nippy up north, any of you ladies had snow yet? just wet down south so far.
  6. they are with me i will get them all out to you all this week
  7. scrobe light?? is that a cross between scrotum and strobe light ,don't fancy that at the docs. where is this party at?
  8. see thats where im just rude back. hate people like them!
  9. know what to do if your bike gets nicked then, scream and say im going to kill you! they will actually turn up then
  10. Okay guys there was a promotion on which wasnt before so there is about £1-£1.50 left over from each calendar what do people want me to do with it? shall i send it to the forum to help keep it running?
  11. a bloody rack!! heres one for ya from today, a fella looking at a car said to my bosses, well not sure the car if for us as the back seats look like they have seen folded down more than normal!
  12. Rob (trebor4460) Phil (mark)(haveugot1) Mike (gravelrash) Dick (Dick65) Pops (Davehutch) Matt (fr499y) Me (Chadatious) Lee (Macie_uk) Ross (Dirtydog) magnus (maveric) x2 Okay ladies that is it, you've all had enough time, i shall get these ordered up tomorrow evening. they shall be with you within the next couple of weeks hopefully. I shall let you know when i receive them also!
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