The worst movie ever to me are: Doomsday and one movie I don't know the name and Kick-@$$. Doomsday-Didn't understand and was stupid In the movie I don't know the name was the ending really disappointing cause it was a movie with a nanny that helped a boy survive life without his grandma (she was the only one that loved the boy, his mother didn't even touched the boy and his father is stupid) at the end they took the nanny away and the boy slams on the window and falls. Kick-@$$ it has over 100 curses and an eleven year old girl who kills people still it has only 1 really funny thing.(and in the trailer it looks like a comedy for children) P.S: I dislike when I start the movie and don't end it. And "Avatar" (not the last airbender) is almost one of my worst movies.