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Proof of God

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Everything posted by Proof of God

  1. I agree completely. Praying about it is the point and not necessarily what someone has asked us to pray!
  2. You are welcome, Daph. We certainly don't need you getting sick!
  3. Dear Prayer Warriors, I am sending you this prayer that was forwarded to me. I especially want to highlight the first few paragraphs of this prayer to you, to remind you of the place we intercessors have in making history, and as it applies to the elections. May it empower your faith and prayers at this crucial hour. Blessings, Mary Medford Regional Coordinator, Carolina Strategic Prayer Alliance This letter is from an unknown pastor to his friends. Dear Praying Friends, Two weeks today, history will be written. Many are already telling us what will be written as if this election has already taken place; and the media and the left have declared their victory… but what they don’t know is that “history belongs to the intercessors”! The destiny of our nation lies in our hands. Regardless of what is being said or how the polls are calling this election, we need to remember that there is a GOD in heaven who rules and OVERRULES in the affairs of men. God’s Word is a narrative of one account after another of supernatural intervention in the face of impossible odds. Have we forgotten the Word of the Lord? “With GOD, NOTHING shall be impossible?” I was reminded of Rees Howells, who epitomized the reality that world events are shaped by intercession. It was because of his faithful intercession that Nazi Germany was crushed and WWII ended as it did. His recorded words illustrate: “There were desperate days while the Second Front was being established in Normandy , and hard fighting in the ensuing weeks and months, but the Lord had said there would be no setbacks this time and we followed the conflict in prayer day by day until the final victory.” Rees Howells was tenacious in prayer. The call he issued to those in his college was “mere prayer will not get the job done, but only intercession!” He challenged his students to become living martyrs if need be on the altar of intercession. God always chooses to work in partnership with His people. And when His people pray, He moves on their behalf. But the situation that we’re in demands not our average praying, which is so anemic, but rather strong intercession, yes, even fasting and prayer. It requires the tenacity and perseverance of the woman Jesus spoke of in Luke 18. “In a certain city there was a judge who neither reverenced and feared God nor respected or considered man. And there was a widow in that city who kept coming to him and saying, ‘Protect and defend and give me justice against my adversary’. And for a time he would not; but later he said to himself, ‘Though I have neither reverence or fear for God nor respect or consideration for man, yet because this widow continues to bother me, I will defend and protect and avenge her, lest she give me intolerable annoyance and wear me out by her continual coming or at the last she come and rail on me or assault me or strangle me’. Then the Lord said, 'Listen to what the unjust judge says! And will not [our just] God defend and protect and avenge His elect (His chosen ones), who cry to Him day and night? Will He defer them and delay help on their behalf? I tell you, He will defend and protect and avenge them speedily. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find [persistence in] faith on the earth?' ' I believe that the Lord is saying to us: “If my people will come to me and plead their case day and night, I will execute justice on their behalf, for I am a Righteous Judge who is full of grace and mercy.' God’s promise is that He will defend, protect and avenge His chosen ones “speedily”. We have two weeks to earnestly seek the face of God and turn the tide of this election through prayer. Will you stand in the place of intercession and fast and pray? Father, we humble ourselves before you today and say, we don’t know how to pray as we ought. We need you to teach us pray. We need you to place in our hearts the passion to pray. Pour out upon us a spirit of prayer and supplication. Give us the heart of the intercessor who is willing to lay down his life in prayer. Call your people to fasting, that we would be willing to give up our comforts and stand in that place of prayer and call this nation back to you. We cry out to you for mercy on America . Please, Lord, don’t give us what we deserve; but give us mercy and restore righteous leaders to this land. Open the windows of heaven upon us and heal our land. We pray that the burden of the Eternal Intercessor would come upon us…the same burden that was given to Charles Finney, give it to us; that we would cry out to you day and night for another Great Awakening in our nation….that the eyes of men and women would be opened, that they would be convicted of their sins and cry out to you for salvation. We cry out to you for the breaking off of delusion and deception; open blinded eyes and break in with a spirit of revelation and cause men and women to see. Your Word declares that “righteousness exalts a nation”, so we contend in the spirit that you would raise up a voice for righteousness. Father, we cry out for these battle ground states and pray that you would release a shift in the spirit and let righteousness be exalted. We lift our voices to you and cry out over Ohio, Pennsylvania , Florida , Missouri , Colorado , Nevada , Indiana and North Carolina . We pray for a divine shift; we pray for changed hearts and opened eyes that men and women would see clearly and know the truth. We bind the spirits that would promote voter fraud and confusion over this election. We war against the spirits that are inciting Americans to wrath and speaking lies and curses against those whom you have raised up in righteousness. And today, we cover Sarah and John with your precious Blood and pray that you would keep them in health. We ask for divine strength and pray for a mighty anointing to rest on them, that as they travel and campaign during these last two weeks that you would give them favor everywhere they go. Strengthen them with might by your Spirit and cause the light of your countenance to rest upon them. And Lord we pray for the intercessors. We pray that they would come into agreement with your heart and mind. Shake us from our apathy and complacency and place within us a holy fire of love that burns with passion for you. May the fire upon the altar of our hearts never go out! Cause the intercessors to rise up as a mighty army to stand before your Throne and cry out to you day and night. Let them give you no rest until you execute justice for the sake of your great name and for the honor and glory of Your Son in whose name we pray. Amen
  4. Hello everyone, I want to take a minute to say a special THANK YOU! to Connie (aka Dove Solutions). She has agreed to help us in our pursuit of excellence by becoming our newest moderator! Thank you, Connie! She is currently the Ladies Minister in her local body of Christ and from our time spent together I KNOW she will be a great addition to the moderation team. Please her to her new postion! I would also like to say thanks to all of our current moderators. We couldn't do this without you: Daph, Desiree, and Erica. :thankyou: If you have questions, need prayer (she loves to pray :), or if you have a problem with the forum or another member, please contact one of the moderators, including Connie. Love, Mia
  5. Jeanie, When I had massive stomach pain after surgery it ended up being gall stones. It lasted about 20 minutes to an hour and seemed to peak at one point. I had two bouts. It was extremely awful. How is it going now? Will definitely keep you in prayer. Mia
  6. DO NOT ACCEPT THE NEW DOLLAR COINS AS CHANGE! The switch has begun! Please help do this ... refuse to accept these when they are handed back to you. I received one from the Post Office as change and I asked for a dollar bill instead. The lady just smiled and said, 'Way to go,' so she had read this e-mail. Please help out. Our world is in enough trouble without this too! U.S. Government to Release New Dollar Coins Click for a picture: http://i76.servimg.com/u/f76/12/76/17/17/1_a11.jpg You guessed it IN GOD WE TRUST' IS GONE! If ever there was a reason to boycott something, THIS IS IT! DO NOT ACCEPT THE NEW DOLLAR COINS AS CHANGE Together we can force them out of circulation. Please Send to all on your mail list!
  7. From Hisbeloved To Mia, Today at 0:51 THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I cant tell you enough how thankful I am for the encouragement that came from your sweet words - I am so thankful of the Lord's warning and faithfulness, and I am sooo thankful for finding your website and learning so much through the pages on here just overnight! Thank you for your ministry - thank you so much for your faithfulness to HIM ! I am overwhelmed at the personal responses , love and encouragement that pours through the pages - I will keep you posted as understanding comes - thank you so much! Blessings, Rhonda I don't think she'd mind that I shared this portion of her message but it blessed me SO MUCH I wanted to share it with the rest of you because your messages are the love and encouragment that she is talking about! Thank you so much for being such a sweet community of believers and for sharing so much of yourselves, your time, and your lives with all of us. You all are a great blessing to me! Much Love, Mia
  8. Add to that a prayer for Daphanie..... kidney infection. I am praying and agreeing with all that we've already prayed for her.
  9. Would you all please keep Laura's son in your prayers. He is going in for a heart cathater. He was born with a defect in his heart. His heart only has 2 chambers instead of four. He's been very blue lately and is running a fever. He is 2. Thanks! She is at the hospital with him now. Love, Mia
  10. I don't understand your response. But if you think I meant something related to carnal/fleshly .... I don't mean fleshly issues with you. LOL. When I said flesh, I mean as in our bodies or physical attack. Let me rephrase... Did you know before this incidence with your finger that spider or snake bites foretell physical attacks in our bodies, ie. sickness, injury, etc.?
  11. Spiders and snakes you can count on them almost everytime being a physical nuisance. Did you know that spiders were symbolic for fleshly issues before it manifested, dreamster?
  12. Desiree asked: not trying to debate but I want to ask you this: How does one know they have the holyghost (God has come into their heart) if they don't speak in tongues? Not saying that if you don't speak in tongues you're not saved (because only a person will know that) but what about the initial "infilling"? Just wanted your thoughts. Again, I'm not trying to debate the issue just wanted to ask smooches in love desiree Do most people speak in tongues when they are filled with Holy Spirit? Probably. The best way of telling if you've been filled with the Holy Spirit is if you've become a new creature. When I was filled, I did speak in other tongues but the most amazing part of the filling was the dramatic change in me. See, in Acts they had tongues of fire sitting on them too but we don't see that happening any more but it doesn't mean that we aren't filled with the Holy Spirit because tongues of fire never sat on us. =) I am not going to tell anyone what to believe or what the truth is. We all have the bible and the Holy Spirit to teach us. What I am going to do is point out some scriptures to provoke your own thoughts and beliefs. 1 Corinthians 12:28 And in the church God has appointed first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of miracles, also those having gifts of healing, those able to help others, those with gifts of administration, and those speaking in different kinds of tongues. 1 Corinthians 12:30 Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues ? Do all interpret? 46Then Paul and Barnabas answered them boldly: "We had to speak the word of God to you first. Since you reject it and do not consider yourselves worthy of eternal life, we now turn to the Gentiles. 47For this is what the Lord has commanded us: " 'I have made you[g] a light for the Gentiles, that you[h] may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.'[i]" 48When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord; and all who were appointed for eternal life believed. Acts 13:49The word of the Lord spread through the whole region. 50But the Jews incited the God-fearing women of high standing and the leading men of the city. They stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them from their region. 51So they shook the dust from their feet in protest against them and went to Iconium. 52And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit. (This was after they were filled on the day of pentecost. So that means.............)
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