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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. *Just had this dream last night, let me know your thoughts:

    Had a dream that I was with my sister and I was trying to put on my headscarf/wrap (which is black IRL and I wear it when I have a bad hair day lol! .) and all of a sudden I noticed that it was light brown and tan in color--I was so disappointed because I counted on this when my hair was "whack"! lol! Did I put my hand in some bleach or something and I accidentally touched the cloth?

    I saw Jay-Z and Rihanna in this SUV (Jay was driving) [Rihanna is Jay-Z's protegee]. Rihanna had on her famous dark sunglasses as she was riding "shot gun". Next thing I know Rihanna was all in Jay-Z's mouth (ie: making out)! I thought that was so inappropriate being that he had JUST married Beyonce (well over a year ago)! :uhoh: :oops:

  2. Seeker,
    we love you and you're always welcome--you know that.

    Until you get the test results, I encourage you to continue to read aloud (so Satan can hear) all the scriptures you can find on "healing". The bible is your weapon!

    Take care

  3. Cholette, that's one of my favorite verses!! Thanks for the compliment too (I'd like to think of the little one as me and that man my Lord! laugh -- Its reassuring to know that God loves us so much can't you just feel it?! lol! kiss )

    Thanks for the congrats you guys--I'll be at a place not far my home (10 minutes!) so that's a good thing, I can sleep in a little!!lol

  4. I thank both of you sweet girlies for the comments! I know ya'll have my back!! lol! I DO know what I want in a mate and I try everyday to cultivate those "royal priesthood' characteristics in my character! I can't wait until the package arrives!!

    I WONT ACCEPT NOTHING BUT GODS BEST FOR MY LIFE!...it wouldn't hurt to have a real "superstar" as a mate either! *wink :cute: thanks for all you do

  5. Everybody (as in friends and family and I) are in this room watching High School Musical 3 (which by the way was an actually good movie--so Caberet-which I LOVE! lol! ) All I can remember is sitting on a couch and Dwight Howard sitting next to me (he had on his 'home' white and blue jersey)! He was so cute! I just KNEW that he liked me in the dream, because we had good eye contact, relaxed smiles, and our bodies were facing eachother (his body language suggested, "openness" to me). He looked very comfortable and inviting. I just couldnt believe that the DWIGHT HOWARD--SUPERSTAR ATHLETE OF THE ORLANDO MAGIC (which by the way are in the NBA finals--yea!lol) would like me--I was so "ordinary" and he wasn't! I thought: atleast I'd be secure and it DEFINITELY doesn't hurt that he's saved IRL either!! 👏 ...In the next scene I remember having to get dressed and I picked up a t-shirt that was inside-out and I could make out the phrase: DONT SETTLE FOR LESS on the front of it. I knew I had to put this one on!!!

    Any ideas?

  6. Marriage BETTER be apart of mine Sunshine!!lol....just jokin!

    You guys have given some interesting points. I'm going to do more research on biblical references/traditions concerning age/ #30--I'm pondering now!!!lol...I wonder what I'll be doing by 30?--that's only 6 years away! cool OMG! I just read in Genesis 41 that after Joseph had been in jail for two years he became "Second in command" to Pharoah over all Egypt at the age of 30 (v. 46)! HOW AMAZING IS THAT?!!!

    thanks again, I was wondering why that number was in my spirit!

  7. you're right...I'm dreaming of some chocolate right now!!!lol....This is definitely a good dream and all I could think about was, "fully satisfied" (Joel 2:26). This is what God says will happen for us. He says in the old testament that when the "new harvest comes, we'll have to make room for it because we'll still be eating off of last years"! MAKE ROOM, you have a lot of delicious choices to pick from!!lol

    God has prepared a table before you! Desserts are a "comfort food"--in your case much "prosperity" is coming!!!

    "On this mountain, the Lord Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples, a banquet of aged wine--the best of meats [in this case desserts] and the finest of wines."-Isaiah 25:6

  8. I don't think this guy is "the one" (I try not to put every man that likes me into this category thinking: Could he be it? because that takes the pleasure out of the meeting, etc) but YES I will be going on the date (Friday to be exact!!) lol! also Sunshine2, I thought about the '30' part too--especially about when Jesus began his ministry. I don't know when Timothy had his ministry but he was a young man! I thought this could either be the man's age (like in the future) or when we'll be in ministry together, etc. I think though that was just a number here--it could be when I get married!!lol praying ...Lurdys, he does happen to be a "single father" --which in this case isn't so bad! We'll see what happens!


  9. June 3, 2009

    I think I have a possible manifestation to the dream: Today when I was walking around the neighborhood (exercise regimen) a guy tried to "holla" at me! Not to sound cocky, but this is a usual thing so I tried to ignore the man and go about my business. Well, after the man called my name, I looked closer and saw that he was someone I knew from church! He is an attractive man and he's liked me in the past but I wasn't interested! Anyway, he asked me out on a date for that night (surprising) and asked if I was single (it had been a while since we last spoke). I was flattered but I also felt awkward (I had on sweat pants, hat, my hair was messy/unmanagable, and I felt I looked a hot mess!! lol! ) I felt "unbecoming" as Daphanie mentioned! I guess my friend didn't seem to think so! He was really attractive to me and he just had the most genuine smile--it wasn't "flirtatious" or "trying to get into my pants" type of look! It was so cool and left me feeling like, "hmmm...that was nice."

    So thanks for all the responses. We'll see what happens later!


  10. That's what I thought too...such a peaceful feeling came over me! WOW! 👏 Thank you all for your responses.

    [b][i]For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry. ~~~ Habukkuk 2:3

    Lurdy's I had to use it sweet-sweet!! lol!

  11. Just my thoughts: "false accusations", upcoming pains/problems (ie: you-revolving around your head [attacks of the mind? Past issues coming up?] and your sister possibly upper body pains--like respiratory/back/physical body pains?) At first your afraid, but as you keep doing it (going through it) it becomes less and less of an issue. I don't know if you've had some serious spiritual/physical attacks before, but if you have, maybe this is a call to just keep holding on to God's unchanging hand and go through it because you've been in this place before. This TOO shall pass!

    please pray on what I've said

  12. Had a short vision where I was sitting in a bed with someone I assumed to be my husband (couldn't make out his face but I knew he was "the one"; we were just enjoying eachother's company). Moments later, a child with two curly ponytails jumped into the bed with us (she had on white). Following her was a taller child (hair in two braided ponytails) with a darker complexion and a pink sleeveless shirt, jumped in as well! One big happy family! WOW! I never wouldve 'thunk' it! lol! bouncing

  13. Your words, "there should be two", struck me. I know that when God had made everything and saw Adam sitting there he said similar words--"its not good for man to be alone" so he made him a partner. Even though your cousin is having problems and there's brokenness, do you still feel like he should stay with his partner for the sake of the family?

    *definitely intercede as been suggested!
    Please pray on what I've said

  14. Is there something that's been going on or will go on between you (and possibly someone else) and you'll have "mixed feelings" about it? It seems at first that you're happy but then you are anxious (worried somewhat) and not ready to handle/deal with it so you try to "drink your problems away" so to speak (ignore/avoid) it but you can't--nomatter what you do. You come back and all is well again--you're happy again. I wonder if after a while, all you need to do is give this "new thing" sometime and you'll feel better about it?

    please pray on what I've said

  15. I'm willing to wait. What do I have to lose? Absolutely nothing. God is going to blow OUR socks off!!!!!!!
    :yes: ...I couldn't agree more--AMEN Sister!

    cholette, thanks for sharing that wonderful inspiring story! Again, it all depends on the couple--some take a while to "know" eachother and some dont (let me be apart of the ones that don't lol! ) but yet one thing is true for both: THEY JUST KNEW and the meetings were so "unexpected"! 👏

    Love you guys from the bottom of my heart! huggins kiss
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