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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. I had a quick dream last night of my hometown pastor. He is a true man of God and has really helped me in my young walk with the Lord in years past. In the dream, he had on a white t-shirt and he was holding a large beer bottle (It had BUDWEISER written on it). I was shocked! I didn't know my pastor drank--it seemed odd!

    I wonder if my pastor is going through something currently? Please pray for his assembly and his family! flower praying

  2. Sandra
    I appreciate the thoughts and I was thinking the same way.

    In this case, I don't agree with the 'dark skin' part, but the other parts seem to be on point. At first I was thinking the guy might of been "effeminate"/gay but lookly more closely at the dream, I thought otherwise. I actually am currently working with a man that seems "hypocritical"--almost like he is proving himself to be a Christian when in fact he's only using the word to benefit his sinful lifestyle in some way--I HATE THAT!!!Lol Also, several days after the dream, I remember having on capri pants and he had on white--similar to the dream.
    In addition, this man used to be an alcoholic in real life (I found this out, AFTER the dream). He seems to be sweet, but then again, his actions (ie: fruit) shows otherwise! He is also a "well known" celebrity in this area.

    Be blessed & thanks again

  3. I think Britney at one time was a Christian. I know that when her first album came out she was talking about keeping a "prayer journal". Maybe Hollywood has changed her in some way? I pray that she will come back to God in due time!

    I was thinking: WHAT? When it came to the man's outfit. Maybe he has a "soft heart" or something? Turning his back on "alcohol"?

    Thanks for your help

  4. I remember being at a gathering (a whole lot of people there--wood floors, etc) and I'm sitting by Britney Spears. I have a towel on and she's just listening to me talk to someone else--she eventually gets up and leaves I guess because she's offended by my breath?

    Eventually a guy with brown skin (kinda fat) comes in and comes to sit beside me. His back is turned toward me--he has on a white baby-tee with a picture of a teddy bear on it and some white capri pants--he's sitting on a stool. There's an empty beer bottle on the floor and I tell him to pick it up and throw it a way and he's like "oh no" (like he can't even touch it!)

  5. Do you think you're called to teach in some capacity?

    You had more courses than the other teachers did, so I wonder if God is requiring more from you than he is of everyone else that associates with you? Remember that scripture: To whom much is given much is required. Its no excuse. If you have a lot of knowledge you're expected to do better and know what to do to the best of your ability.

    Please pray on what I've said

  6. I know that this has probably been brought up before but I just wanted to know everyone's current thoughts on this:

    I've had two dreams where I dreamt of someone riding on a bike. What does a bicycle symbolize? Just a shorter way of getting to somewhere?

  7. UsemeLord

    I wonder if this dream is just confirmation that you are a little more concerned about your son's well being than the rest of the children? Do you feel as though you're missing the mark in some way with him? I wonder if you're having trouble connecting in some way with all of your children to a certain extent?

    I believe them being in school is a great start. I don't know if you dream literally or symbolically but with the school, I just wonder if there is sense of "learning/discovering" taking place for the children and you?

    I pray that God bring you clarity
    be blessed

  8. :okay: Girl, You know that was God because I had no idea!!!! lol! I used to be somewhat of a perfectionist--even concerning how I dealt with God but over the years He had to discipline me and teach me how to relax and let him handle things! Ever since I've yielded completely to God and let him have control things have been falling into place (which is weird because since I'm used to having control, I felt like I had to check up on God to make sure He was doing things just right!!Lol)

    Don't think too much about your situations. The bible says to "cast your cares upon him" and that means to give it to God and leave it alone (don't be tempted to pick them back up and figure out things yourself because when you do that, that's when problems come!lol). It may be hard at first, but over time, God will show you time and time again that he can be trusted and that all things will work out for you (romans 8:28). Trust that God will do all that He said he will do in his word! Let him show you how to relax and have more fun!! Remember: its not a bad thing to have fun and relax--we need it! Let God handle your paper work!lol God has said that he will keep you in "perfect peace" because you're steadfast and trusting in him (Isaiah 26:3) Believe me, I can attest!!! lol! ...Has he ever disappointed you before?

    be blessed and praying for you!

  9. Connie
    I wonder if God is elevating you in the deliverance/healing ministry (ie: you help with it but maybe you'll become director or leader of it by someone "passing the torch to you" so to speak)?

    For some reason, the ring on the staff and you having it in your right hand makes me think of the king extending his right hand to bless something or make it so, even to approve something as a law with the insignia ring. It will be so that you will move to the next level in your ministry. Maybe you will feel that you won't be ready for it at first?

    please pray on what I've said

  10. In the first dream I wonder if the meeting with your future wife will be "sudden"--unexpected? Could the pilot of the plane be Jesus and your future wife is letting God instruct her and direct her-- no worries because she'll be a "true woman of God"?

    In the second dream, I wonder if it will be a close friend that will try to turn against you or harm you in some way but you take control of the situation and things are back to normal again?

    Please pray on what I've said

  11. LL cool J is just that: relaxed and laidback even though he is well-known. You're playing softball with him (which to me is also a leisure-laidback type of game). I wonder if this dream is literal--that you will meet someone that is well known but be surprised that they are so laidback and fun to be around?

    Also, are you a worrier or somewhat of a perfectionist--as in things have to be "just right" (ie: all or nothing approach)? please pray on what I've said


  12. God wouldn't bring it to your remembrance if it wasn't important. Maybe now that he is in college Satan is trying to "Suck the life out of him" and discourage his walk in some way because he knews that the boy is special? I think this is a call to pray like never before!

  13. Had a dream where I was talking to this guy and this girl who I know from my past (one from high school and the other from my college that I haven't seen in a while). Anyway, this guy in my dream is married (not IRL but he would always flirt with me in school) and he is sneaking off from his wife and trying to impress me with all his "Bike tricks". I don't remember if I'm riding on the front of the bicycle or on the back of it but I'm laughing out loud and just enjoying this guy's company. While riding on the bike at a comfortable/moderate speed I notice that we're riding on a road that's familiar to me. Up ahead I see a sign that reads "W. Ave"--the same street that my ex's parents live on IRL. I wonder if we're gonna pass his house? Well unexpectantly we do while making another turn, and I see a lot of cars in the driveway (I just slightly glance and notice this). I see my ex in the passenger's side of his old car (the same one he had when we were dating) and he was pulling out of the driveway (I dont think he noticed me) and I also see his father just standing there next to his truck (which I don't think he owns one IRL). I remember his father looking oddly at me, and I wanted to make sure that my ex (and his folks) saw me having fun and being happy. (I didn't feel nervous at all about seeing them though.) The bike went over a black car and then skidded to the side over a fence! I was nervous about the "theatrics" but knew that it could still be done (I was impressed). The guy and I went back to join the rest of the group.

    My dreams are usually literal and I wonder if I will just be seeing my ex and/or his family in the near future? I wonder what the bike represents?

    thanks in advance

  14. Sprzano,
    I couldn't of said it any better!!!

    When Abraham had a word from God that he would bear children, he got tired of waiting and took matters into his own hands and slept with his wife's servant.
    Though you're right about how Ishmael came along, it was actually Sarah that grew impatient with not having her promised child and told Abraham to go to her maidservant. God in turn told Abraham to do as his wife asked:
    "Now Sarai, Abram's wife, had borne him no children. But she had an Egyptian maidservant named Hagar; so she said to Abram, "The Lord has kept me from having children. God sleep with my maidservant; perhaps I can build a family through her." Abram agreed to what Sarai said. He slept with Hagar and she conceived. When she knew she was pregnant, she began to despise her mistress. Then Sarai said to Abram, "you are responsible for the wrong I'm suffering..."..Then Sarai mistreated Hagar." (Genesis 16:1-2;4-6)

    Look at how powerful our influence as women can be (remember Delilah and Samson? Adam and Eve?)!!! If Sarah just had waited a little while longer (instead of taking matters into her own hands) we wouldn't be having (as you suggested sprzano) "fighting in the middle east". Sarah was the one that stepped out of God's will and she blamed her husband for the matter--isn't that just like some of us to not take responsibility for our own actions when something goes against plans?

    Dreamer7, I too have had MANY dreams of the same person over and over again and all I can say is to be patient and try to see what God is telling you from this. Also in terms of advice, I would agree that you should fast and pray on the serious decision of whether or not to speak to the man in your church about marriage. If someone is meant for you, nothing or noone can stop it from happening--it will happen in God's timing. Dont try to make it happen. Let things flow and let God direct you--because He will lead you and guide you into all truth. Take this time to get really close to God and more intimate with him and he in turn will show you all you need to know (HE DID IT FOR ME). The dreams that I was having soon became clear and all the answers that I needed were there! God always confirms his word (that's why it is important to get confirmation from two to three people/places). Also I've learned that if you have the same dream in different forms that means that its going to happen. Remember Pharoahs dreams in Genesis 41?:

    "Then Joseph said to Pharoah, 'The dreams of Pharaoh are one and the same. God has revealed to Pharaoh what he is about to do [God gave Pharaoh the dreams so that Joseph could interpret them and help the land of Egypt prepare for the coming famine]...The seven good cows are seven years, and the seven good heads of grain are seven years; it is one and the same dream. The seven lean, ugly cows that came up afterward are seven years, and so are the seven worthless heads of grain scorched by the east wind: They are seven years of famine. It is just as I said to Pharoah: God has shown Pharaoh what he is about to do...The reason the dream was given to Pharaoh in two forms is that the matter has been firmly decided by God, and God will do it soon." (Genesis 41: 25-28;32)

    Even God confirmed two times to Abraham that the promised child would come: To Abraham personally (Genesis 17:17-19) and with the three visitors coming to him and Sarah's tent (Genesis 18:9-14). Remember how Sarah laughed because she couldn't believe it? Then finally in Genesis 21: "Now the Lord was gracious to Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did for Sarah what he had promised. Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him." (Genesis 21:1-2)

    Don't give up too soon. Just wait on God because he Is a promise Keeper (Joshua 21:45)

    Be blessed
    desiree (Starpop)
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