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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. maybe how they see themselves or how you see them (not all that important or immature--as mentioned before)? Could that person also be symbolic of someone else--as in their personality or who they are remind you of someone else who may be similar?

  2. Just put 6 zeros on it and I will fill in the first number. thumbs
    I KNOW that's right trueflight!!!!! lol! lol!

    p.s. Dreamster, why didn't you tell anyone that you wrote before? that's serious bizness brother!!lol
    hmmm...possible inspirational/self-help books in the making?! THE NEW JOEL OSTEEN PERHAPS? laugh

  3. I wonder if both you and your husband feels like the father in law has ulterior motives--especially concerning the family?

    Is your husband the "passive-aggressive" type and won't say much (even if he sees "error" or that "something is wrong") out of respect or not to make a big hooplah about it?

    please pray on what I've said for accuracy

  4. Cholette
    Every time I have dreams like this I WISH TO HAVE THEM AGAIN!!!...I love juicy and fat (or as you call it: fluffy) babies--they are so precious!! lol! Its been my experience that when I dream of very FAT babies and I pay attention to my feelings in the dream (in this case happiness/pure delight), there is usually an exciting and enjoyable experience coming my way--something that will leave me satisfied and happy. Could this be the same for you? Could you be "entering into something" that will make you really happy?

    Please pray on what I've said
    desiree (Starpop) thumbs

  5. God bless you Tina!

    Mother of three?--WOW!! HOW DO YOU DO IT?!lol I too understand how you feel, I've dreamt all of my life and would sometimes be confused when things started to happen! I DO know that God is faithful and he will bless you and give you "more than enough understanding" as pertains to your dreams!! It will all make sense to you afterwhile!! Keep dreaming and waiting in GREAT expectation for the Lord to answer! thumbs

    Okay, let me stop preaching lol! now to say :welcome:

    Anything you need just let me know!
    desiree (Starpop)

  6. The airport part had me thinking: Do you live in the south--possibly Alabama? I say that because the city sounds like "opelika".

    Also, your car flipped in the air and you were afraid that you would be hurt. I wonder if this is symbolic for God "flipping you" and turning you inside out in a drastic way? You have two roads to travel on--and this makes me think about the poet/author Robert Frost who had a famous poem about the "road less traveled". I wonder if you have a very important choice to make and you're in the valley of decision about which way to go?

    At the last part about seeing your future husband sitting with a deaconess does make me think that he will be in church or a "man of God". I wonder if he will be contacting you soon and this is just confirmation?

    Please pray on what I've said
    I will let you know if I have anything else.
    smooches and God bless

  7. I know how you feel!!!

    All I can say is continue to trust God and be patient--there's obviously a reason that you're there! Be a blessing while you're there!

    Praying for you that God will make a way out of no way for you! Its all about God's timing--though you may not understand why, God knows whats best!

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