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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Its funny that you said "control" because in the past, I was used to having and taking control of certain situations and when it didn't happen the way I wanted it too, I felt "defeated" somewhat--but Boy have I come a LOOONG way!!! God is definitely in control now!!

    I did feel a sense of rejection in the dream--I mean I had gotten dressed up for nothing it seemed. But then again, all hope wasn't lost!lol...I don't know if the dream was incomplete or not, again, we'll have to wait and see!

    thanks brother for your response!

  2. I think what Lurdys said was interesting:

    Sometimes people in our dreams (especially with family members) represent other people. You seeing your brother and your mom in the dream could represent just something happening within the family. Maybe God was warning you that this was going to happen and that you should pray?

  3. Had this dream last month (June) sometime:

    Getting ready for my prom but this guy I wanted to go with was going with someone else. I had on this hot pink "princessy-like" halter top dress that was really puffy at the bottom. A girl was reshaping my hair. Everyone else had their date but I didn't. I was tempted to call all my guy friends from my past--like one who ended up going pro in baseball--to make all the girls jealous!!!

  4. Peter
    I do think that God has been using me mightily in my family as a witness and its been a challenge but great!

    you may be right about the past issue (which I thought about too)as belonging to my parents but affecting the unit as a whole. I'm usually the one that goes to my parents with spiritual counsel (which is funny because theyve taught me all I've known-lol). I do think sometimes that my father is laxadaisical with some things--(that both he and my mom arent stepping up as they should or used to like when I was younger).

    We'll see what happens--I know God will reveal it when necessary
    be blessed and thank you both for the response

  5. I wonder if this means that you will be entering into a new business venture--completely different from what you're used to or what you've done in the past?

    "You left your old work clothes behind" and you didn't seem to mind the new change--you're in "development" things are changing for you (ie: new job, new people, new ideas,etc?) and that's so cool!!!

  6. I dream of celebrities myself,
    Sometimes there literal and other times they're symbolic--it just all depends.

    The part that stuck out to me was the Angelina dream. Yes there have been rumors that she is pregnant again but I don't think that this is the case. I wonder if her raking the leaves symbolized change/death is some way for her? She had pain but then later was okay. I wonder if this is concerning her relationship with Brad--is it coming to an end and really soon? Are things changing between them in the near future I wonder? She will be in pain about the relationship ending/changing but she will be okay once its over?

    I would pay attention to see what God is saying here. I just think this part is significant. We'll have to wait and see

  7. The change of color was surprising (sudden) and appealing. As I mentioned before, I was a little more intrigued by the situation than my family was.

    I do have a burden for my family--for all of them to come back to the "old landmark"/principles that we all grew up in. I know that it will take time and I also know that they've watched my life and have seen some significant changes and are trying to figure out some things for themselves--which is awesome!!!

    I agree with all that you've said. I think we all have to work out our own soul salvation with fear and trembling and that's what's happening in my family per say.

    something is going to happen,that will change the atmosphere in your family but you will seem to understand it better than the rest.

    I think you're on point with this...I just wonder what the change is?

    I will pray
    thanks for the response

  8. When I think of houses I think of the ones that the bible speaks about: the house built on the rock (firm foundation) and the one that was built on sand. When the storms of life came the house that was built on rock stood the test of time but the one on the sand didn't of course. Jesus also showed us that the builder who has the house on rock represents the person that not only hears the word but puts it into action. We are blessed when we do what God has asked of us.

    When I look at the door I also think about "a passageway" or the entrance into something. Jesus is also the door and we can only come to the father through him. We have to come to Jesus the right way and through the front is the only way. You had two houses--could this represent the old you and now the new you and you're seeing the contrast between the two? Its seems like you're going about things the right way but there are still some things that you need help with and need answers too, it seems like you're even frustrated that those who are close to you aren't offering the help that you're looking for.

    I pray that God will give you wisdom as to know what to do. I pray that you will have complete happiness and peace in your decision making. Look for God's peace!!! As long as you're standing on God's word, you'll be fine!

    please pray on what I've said

  9. When I think of skulls I think of "death" not necessarily in a bad way. Since you saw the skull around your family members I wonder if it has something to do with either you or your family--something is dying and therefore changing between you all? Maybe you'll be able to see the change moreso than they will--it will be evident (the writing's on the wall)?

  10. yeah. The part about my dad came before that dream actually but since they're two of the same dreams in different forms, its established by God!

    Thanks again--maybe it IS a family battle (either spiritually or physically) to be prepared for! IRONICALLY, my father asked us all to stand around and pray for him just a couple of days ago (which I thought was awkward and impromptu--but he couldve known something)

    ...we'll see!

  11. When I dreamt the "black and white" part that's immediately what I thought about: things being "pain as day"--can't miss it! I think there's a lot of connections that I make with my dreams and real life situations that my family just don't get (not that they don't understand, they're just not getting the revelation that God has given me if you understand where I'm coming from) so I would agree with what you said there. Whatever it was, I was so impressed with what was happening (so obviously IRL, it will affect me moreso than the family).

    I don't know what the situation is, but I do agree that there is a war--I think moreso connected with my mother in this case being that she was the only one dressed for it.

    I'll have to pray on this but thank you for your thoughts

    p.s. what did you think about my EMINEM dream? Can you look at it please?

  12. I'm riding in this van with my siblings and my parents. I think my dad is driving and I'm sitting in the backseat with my mom (her body is turned toward the backseat window and her back is facing me (she's looking out the window at something). I remember seeing her hair; she had on army fatigue. We're driving on the highway and then all a sudden the outside (scenary) turns black and white (as if it were a 1930's/1940's motion picture). I notice the change and I'm excited speaking up to everyone: "Hey ya'll look, everything is black and white". Noone else seemed to be concerned as I was at the sudden change. As we continue to drive up this highway, the other vehicles also turn into ones that were back in the 1930's/40's--like Fords and PT Cruisers etc.

    I also remember at one point my father came to me asking for me to wear my shoes but they were his size and they were army boots. I gave them to dad and I guess he was going to put them on. thinking
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