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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)


    On July 31, 2009 I had taken my nephew to the neighborhood park/playground. Other kids were there as well, so it was a cool "bonding/mothering" experience (This could also be confirmation to the "eminem dream" I had; I felt like I was taking on this man's kids as my own!) Anyway, while getting on the jungle gym, I bumped my head on one of the steel parts!! OMGOOOOOOSH! My head was pounding severely and pain shot through/down my neck--it was horrible! I went home and tried to lay down (I know a no-no, if possible concusion). When I had awoken, my head was still pounding and I felt dizzy. My mom kept insisting that it was either a "concusion" or "brain bleed" (you know how mothers are--overdramatic!! lol! Afterall, the actress Natasha Richardson had died of a "brain bleed" after bumping her head on snow/ice at a ski resort--so it was cause for precautions!) When I went to that Sunday, I felt so queezy and couldn't think clearly. After three days of a headache, I went to the emergency room (mind you, my nephew had been praying for me for days and I threw in one too! lol! ). There I had a cat-scan and the doctor checked my sinuses. The Prognosis: SINUITIS--or infection to the sinusis--which the impact of the "hit" had sparked my sinusis to react, leading to headaches, dizzyness, loss of hearing, and blurry-ness. The scan showed that my nasal passages and air pockets/cavities in my head were blocked with drainage!

    So, in conclusion, the seemingly "small" snake bite, did end up being "small". If I hadn't hit my head, I wouldn't have known and my symptoms may have gotten worse (and it couldve been worse)! PRAISE GOD FOR HIS FAITHFULNESS! HE IS WATCHING ALL THE TIME!

    Thanks to you all for your prayers and love!
    God bless

  2. Thanks Butterfly for your response.

    I DO believe that bicycles are great exercise--but it seems like those days are almost nonexistent!lol

    I wonder: what do you think the symbol of a person riding on a bicycle around a track means?


  3. dreams
    When looking at your dream, I thought about the castle possibly being "the kingdom" (ie: church) and how the bible says in Matthew that "the kingdom of God suffereth violence and the violent take it by force". We have to be proactive as saints against the enemy. I also saw the kingdom "being under attack" and the lion in a cage as "Daniel in the lions den" (the saints being tested by their faith and persecuted by nonbelievers). There's definitely a battle going on but the good thing is: WE ARE WINNING! WE HAVE THE VICTORY!!

    The whole experience leaves me in awe just how hated as Christians we really are! But God has not given us the spirit of fear but that of Power, love and a sound mind as Timothy suggests!

    Be blessed
    sister in Christ

  4. One more thing: I think I MAY know what the "Baby" may represent. I think currently I'm in a situation where I feel as though "a mess has been made" (from my own thinking, but for God is may be otherwise)! God can always turn a situation around and I feel that's exactly what He's doing! In the end it will "all work out for my good" (Romans 8:28) and I will be fully satisfied and content when its all said and done!

    Thank you ladies
    smooches galore

  5. I've had a dream similar to this in the past and for me it meant "prosperous and good times ahead". I always think of pastures and cows as "abundance" and "harvest". Being that the cows were also having babies its like a "double portion" to me.

    GET READY GET READY GET READY--because its your season!!!

    I encourage you to read Deuteronomy 28:1-13 (which by the way is one of my favorites!) everyday until you see the "Blessings" manifest! SPEAK IT AND CLAIM IT!

    smooches and PRAISE GOD!

  6. Could it be a good experience coming your way?

    How sweet Cholette! I sure hope so!! 👏

    Ladies, thank you all for the responses. Sunshine2, your point hit home for me. Upon waking, I was thinking the exact same thing--inspite of "a mess" it didn't bother me as it usually would and in the end I was content and satisfied.

    I definitely feel like the baby is "something new" in my life on the way--and being that the baby was on the bed (which for me means marriage/covenant etc), I believe it will have to do with a future friendship/relationship but we'll have to see! In order for that baby to be completely "Content" the mess had to get out of her system first! So, I think its good news on the way!! bouncing

    Be blessed

  7. Hello Sunshine2!

    First of all, when I saw that the bug was flying around/towards you, I thought "is something bugging you" so to speak (even a literal bug)? But then, as the object gets closer, you realize its a "tool" (which to me means that it can be used to help you do something) so this could be symbolic. Yes, the blade "could be harmful" but you can use it. I look at that as something that was "meant for evil turned out in your favor" (Romans 8:28). Even though the bug scared you at first, in the end you took "initiative"/action and took care of the situation without hesitation? Since the bug was around both you and your husband could this be concerning the marriage?

    please pray on what I've said as these are my thoughts

  8. Not to mean this is an insensitive way, but just because he never cheated on his first wife, doesn't mean that he wasn't doing some "questionable things" towards her--or causing her to do what you're now doing: asking questions.

    I think you're right for bringing it up and making it known to him. All now you can do is pray that God will give him revelation of what he's doing against you and cause him to be sensitive to your needs. Have you two tried counseling?

  9. We're so sorry that you didn't enjoy your experience here with us. We pray that God will continue to bless you and give you the answers you're needing.

    As far as your question is concerned, I'm not sure if once you've registered that you can be deleted.

    Have a blessed day
    desiree (Starpop)

  10. I think you're on it sister!! That reference in Luke happens to be one of my favorite!! 👏 lol!

    I thought similar to what you have said, "an upcoming attack that will turn out to be harmless." God has been speaking to me awhile about "appearances" so I'm not surprised at all that you've said this. I am learning to stay on my guard against Satan's craftiness (ie: even if its small things, they can still do damage and I shouldnt' take them lightly!) I have the victory! HALELULIA!

    Thanks so much for taking the time to answer, you too Sunshine2!

    p.s. my mom told me the other day that she had a dream about a python coming from underneath the house. I immediately thought: "a threat or attack trying to come in...pray!!"

  11. I'm inside this bedroom with my youngest sibling. The television is on and I'm standing beside this bed holding a baby. The baby is so precious and sweet to me. She has shiny black hair, beautiful skin, plump cheeks, and that "just got out of the hospital fresh baby scent." lol! (she's not overly plump in size, so I figure this is a new born or a 1 month old; I think the former though. thumbs ) I'm just content with the baby laying on my chest, as I rest my head on her head. My sibling is doing her own thing coming in and out of the room, observing how I'm handling the situation (I guess someone else's baby). As I'm holding my baby I'm thinking: awww, maybe this isn't so bad afterall? I know how my ex must be feeling--the baby just grows on you! I want one!!! lol! (NOT! :blushing: ) Anyway, I guess I had been moving the baby around too much because suddenly I hear a sound and realize I have "throw-up"(ie: puke that happens to be pink by the way) all over me!! crying crying At first I'm kind of startled but I'm not disgusted (even though the mess is all over my neck, on my shoulders, on my chest etc.) I realize that "its no big deal" and that its something little babies do--occasionally. So I take it in stride and do what must be done. I lay the baby down on the bed (the bed has blue covering) and I remove her shirt (which I think is blue too). I wipe the baby off? and now the baby begins to smile and looks more content than she was before in my arms. (I think before she didn't mind being there because she doesn't whine or seem restless--she just had an unsettled stomach). Now she felt better. I was happier too. I don't even remember wiping the puke off of me! (Any other time prior to this, I think I mightve been a little perturbed and turned off at the baby's mess, but now it was different--it didn't even bother me--hmmm, something's changing lol! ). As I pick the baby up to coddle it some more, now its moving around and seems more alert! YAY! happy dance

  12. First of all,
    I want to thank each and every one of you for your input, suggestions, and encouragement--its been a blessing! I know that from the time I've joined the site, there have been a few "punches" here and there that've been thrown!lol, even some "chaotic moments". But God is so faithful that through it all, every single time, we've come out on top and the site has STILL been blessed and untouched by the negativity! This site is such a blessing and we as people of God want to help it to continue to be.

    Many times, we voice what are only our thoughts, or opinions on a dream. That's why we ask you to pray about what we said. not "Thus Saith the Lord". We have to be careful to make sure that we have understood what God is saying. :afro:

    This is exactly right Hislightbeam. This site is to "help", not to hinder anyone in anyway. Inspite of God speaking to us and through us as moderators and seasoned members, we still have to seek God for ourselves! Aint nothing like that personal connection!! Remember: SATAN IS THE ACCUSER OF THE BRETHREN! Its his job to cause discord, confusion, and bitterness among people. The bible tells us to "not allow a bitter root to grow up within us" (which causes discontentment,disharmony, defilement, etc) We are to continue to follow peace (Hebrews 12:14-15). Since Satan is consistent in his job, we must do ours and continue to "fight the good fight of faith"(Philippians 3:13-14), encourage one another, and keep our head in all situations (being aware, knowledgable, and alert) (2 Timothy 4:5).

    As already stated, lets continue to walk in love, showing forth God's glory!

    I love you all deeply! :bighug: huggins kiss

    Be blessed

    p.s. Jimmy congrats on your new baby (may God bless you in this precious time of your life) and keep your humility--God will bless you because of it!
    p.s.s. Lurdys, I just thoroughly read your post and once again, we often say the same things!!! lol! Thanks for sharing and breaking down crucial points (well said)! Again, thanks to all of you for the input--its much appreciated! :cute:

  13. Covenant2love

    you have come to the right place my friend! God loves you so much that he doesn't want you to be in the dark about what your dreams could mean and what He's telling you! It is in Him that we have all the answers we need!

    Be blessed and thanks for being apart of our family

    desiree (Starpop)

  14. Tony
    Depending on how you dream (symbolically or literal) I wonder if this dream is symbolic of a "learning process for you"? (that's what I think of when I think of being in a school or classroom setting). You were looking for something and frustated that you couldn't immediately find it (like there was a run around and treasure hunt so to speak)--in this case, the thing you were looking for was a girl who you used to date. Is there something in your past that you need answers to or haven't necessarily gotten closure about (you're still wrestling/fighting with it?) Its like a change happens kind of rapidly (ie: rollerskates/rollerblades) and you're happy that you've overcome that particular thing in someway?

    Also, once you reckon with it and come face to face with whatever it is that you've been concerned about--you're outlook on life seems to change and you feel more at peace. I wonder if this is true for you?

    Lastly, I was intrigued by the scene where you were replacing an already fertilized (ie:established) egg with another one that ends up cracking and spilling out. I wonder if there's something new (ie: whether it be the start of a project, new idea, job etc) that you have second thoughts about and try to go in another direction only for it not to work out (ie: seems like its wasted)? your wife (or someone close to you?) lets you know that what you did "wasn't a good idea". Is there anything that you're currently concerned about changing around or doing differently (having second thoughts etc?)

    Please pray on what I've said to make sure that it resonates with your spirit

  15. Well a cashier usually handles money and money for me has always meat prosperity and provision in some form. Do you feel like this is happening for you--a literal money blessing in store or a spiritual "change" taking place?

    please pray on what I've said
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