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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Are there some things in your life that you're embarrassed about and wonder if its out in the open for all to see and that there's permanent damage that has been done? You know God is able to restore/heal to make it where it seems certain things didn't even happen? The enemy desires for us to feel embarrassed or ashamed but you know God says the opposite: we'll NEVER be put to shame or embarrassed but he'll make our enemies be clothed in shame!

    pray on what I've said

  2. I'm sorry!

    yes, people usually do let me know when I'm right on target about something and its a blessing! It lets me know that God is really working through me and in me for the benefit of others! HALELULIA!

  3. When I think about Central America and other exotic countried, I think of luxurious travel, relaxation/tranquility, and history. "Its a getaway" from everyday workings. I wonder if Harrison Ford (or someone with similar characteristics) for you is someone you admire because at first you were unsure of the move but when you saw him you were comfortable and changed your mind?

    Something bad (or potential threat like the shark) ends up working out for your good (blue fish). Do you have some interest in ministry work and or/travel?

    please pray on what I've said as these are my thoughts

  4. I don't know if I'm sure of your question.

    The owner of this site: mia sherwood, encourages the members to "look at a person's fruit". In other words, when/if a person proclaims to you what they are feeling or hearing what God has said to him/her you need to make sure that other words that they've prophesied to others have come true as well. A person's lifestyle must line up with the word of God (consistency is key). A bad tree doesn't bear good fruit and a good tree doesn't bear bad fruit.

    The bible says in Deuteronomy 18:20-22 that "if what a prophet has said comes to pass when he/she says it will" then you know that that person is authentic.

    If you feel as though you have the gift, pray about it. I always encourage people to pray first and then allow God to speak to you about what you should say to an individual. God knows everything--so it makes sense to ask him. If you think that you may have a word for someone, step out in faith and say "What your thoughts" are. You have to continue to practice your gift by doing the proper fasting, praying and listening to God's guidance. This group has indeed been a blessing to me but not without a price! You will be blessed in the end for listening to God and not to your own imagination (as some false prophets have done in the past and even today).

    Hope this helps some :)
    blessings in Christ

  5. Well Christa
    The dream symbol dictionary is just used as a foundation for helping to figure out our dreams (and its general based on the fact that many may have similar symbols in their dreams-ie: babies, cars, etc). On this site we look to the bible as our standard and we use the holy ghost as our guide in helping us to determine interpretations. I found it to be helpful when you look at the entire context of the dream for a meaning instead of disecting each dream piece by piece using symbols (doing it that way most often times than not bring inaccuracy in interpretations). I encourage you to pray before interpreting someone's dream and let God show you what a dream may mean. Afterall, God knows all things and he knows the meaning behind every dream!

    God bless you and I appreciate your help on this site

    p.s. I don't know if Mia will be updating the site anytime soon, but just use what is offered and let God take it from there!

  6. I had the weirdest dream last night. I dreamt that out of the blue my best friend's husband called me (now IRL, I've had a short conversation with him over the phone but it would never be prolonged; me and his wife are extremely close-like sisters).

    I don't really remember what the conversation was about but I know that it was a pleasant surprise to hear from him--I hadn't heard from him in a looong time. He was saying how much he missed me and I told him I had missed he and his family too. It almost sounded as though he was regretful about something while he spoke on the phone. IRL, I haven't talked to my best friend in a couple of months but that's usually normal for us as she doesn't live close to me!

  7. It was strange to me, but in my mind I said "this must be where people bury themselves in the sand".

    This part stuck out to me. It reminds me of that idiom (which by the way, I looove idioms!lol) that states "bury one's head in the sand" which you know means to hide from/ignore apparent signs of danger. Inspite of the overall happiness/tranquility that your brother and his family may showcase, I wonder if there is some things that are still hidden about them (or a situation they're trying to ignore/not face (avoid)--possibly a threat to the family?)

    I personally don't like beaches, but I know that they're a place of relaxation, comfort, and "fun in the sun" (not having a care in the world, atleas temporary). The family left to go the beach without your knowledge (could it be that even though you may be close with them, there is still some things you're not "in the know" about?)

    please pray on what I've said, these are just my thoughts


    GOD IS ALWAYS BEHIND THE SCENES WORKING!! He's working on your behalf faithful servant! All praises to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!!! 👏 praiseGod

    God bless you and thanks for sharing

  9. In a crowd full of family and friends and dad told me to go get his 12-gauge rifle (mind you, I know nothing about guns IRL). It was located at one of my younger cousin's apartment (IRL, he doesn't have one). I was reluctant to go but me and one of my sisters followed my cousin there. His player (dvd/cd) didn't work. I told him I was skeptical of handling guns. I picked up the rifle he brought into the room and began clanking it. I was telling my cousin about a man I know (who IRL is a millionaire) who used his shotgun for sport (shooting disks in the sky). Another cousin (the first cousin's uncle) came into the room and gave me change. He gave me 10 cents here and there.

    First thing I thought: small changes here and there?

  10. I was in a room with all of my siblings and I remember being at the computer/television watching a TBN program. I wanted one sibling to see the video to this song: "stay saved" by Canton Jones (about how to remain Godly in "ungodly" situations!) Everytime I tried to type in the search bar for his name/song, I would type in the wrong name (I don't know why) and nothing came up for the song either (which I felt was strange). Then I began singing the lead verse to the song by Kim Burrell "have faith in me" (about true faith in God despite the circumstances, etc). I was shocked/impressed to find the rest of my siblings joining in in harmony and with the right chorus (I didn't even know they knew the song like they did!!lol) we continued to sing the song together until this one girl (that I've been encouraging from my home church IRL) came over to my house unexpectantly (she had on a blue dress shirt and blue jean skirt) wanting a ride to church. She was waiting for my father to get there to take her. IRL, she no longer attends the home church (For personal reasons) and I've encouraged her to not feel badly and to do what she needs to do in God. I believe that she is desiring to move back soon to her hometown for a better job and security/ I've been praying for her in that area. My mother in the dream was so disappointed (and showed her frustrations) at the number of young people getting pregnant at my home church (IRL, a lot of young people have had babies at that assembly and its disheartening that they haven't gotten the proper education on love/sex within the church. I think its a taboo topic among the leadership there!)

    Interesting, I wonder what this could mean?


  11. I read your dream earlier and had some thoughts but I just couldn't get them out (I know imagine that!!lol)--I needed to do more thinking on them.

    What stuck out to me was the second dream: the cancer support group meeting. Its interesting how so many women are involved and that its at church. I wonder if this is your calling in a way: to help women that are burdened either emotionally or spiritually with some things and they need deliverance? Do you think you're called to women's ministry? TALK THERAPY so to speak. You kind of "walked up" on the meeting and had no idea that these women were hiding these issues: could this be literal that you will meet some people that you're familiar with that have some deep rooted issues/problems that you had no idea they existed because its like they tried to keep it from you (maybe they were concerned about what you would think of them if they had told you)/they were functioning adults (seemed like all was well from the surface)? It appears like you almost felt "left out" of the group, that you were the "outsider" do you feel like that in some aspect of your life--whether it be at church or at your job etc? Like you're not on one accord with everyone else (not in a bad way, you're just on another level)? Notice that everyone there had cancer (or were sick) and you weren't. Do you think you're called to "heal the sick" and to bring encouragement etc?

    The last scene of the indians was interesting as well. You mentioned that you were "trying to do what you had to do" not trying to seem harsh or unconcerned you just needed to do some things/get to your destination. I wonder if you have that "pull no punches" type of personality--you say what you feel and don't care what nobody thinks (you do in a way, but you're alot less "Sugar coating" than most)? Your honest/blunt and maybe that leaves you somewhat feeling badly or regretting that you said certain things to certain people at a certain time, because they may have taken things the wrong way (even if you said it out of love)? You may step on some toes through the process but people either take it or leave it because you have good intentions.

    So I reverse the car a few feet then drive forward and I drive over his legs. It wasn’t my intention to drive over his legs but in the dream I felt like I’d given him more than enough warnings so didn’t feel remorseful at all. I didn’t feel great either, just felt like I had to do what I had to do to get where I needed to go and it was unfortunate that it had to happen like that.

    This part REALLY stuck out. You've given this person (IRL?) more than enough warnings to let them know of your intentions and actions. In the dream, this person's legs were weak and you could tell he was malnourished (needs help in some way with 'his walk'). Its like this person wanted you to feel sorry for him (everyone else didn't seem to be concerned). You weren't having it! You have a heart for people, but you can only do so much for those that need to change for themselves! In the dream, you could see your remorse (others may have felt you were callous), but you knew that your actions were in your best interest. You broke the man's legs (undoubtedly since you ran over them!lol) but maybe now, he will learn from his mistakes and take action in trying to improve himself/make changes and stop having a "pity party" and "accepting handouts". Though you "back up" briefly (as in think of the past), you move forward and press ahead. That's all you can do. You can't let stumbling blocks and "moochers" get in your way of your own progress. Weak people play off of stronger individuals emotions making them weak in return with damaging effects. Do what you need to do and move forward. You realize the situation, but you can't do anything about it (it has nothing to do with you I should say) and you move ahead knowing you can't let someone elses issues stop you from progessing ahead. Keep your deliberance, tenacity, and focus and the Lord will bless!

    This is what I got. Please pray on what I've said as I want to be accurate
    God bless

  12. Have you met your Boaz yet? Have you talked to him before?

    This man that you desire to be with, have you dated him before?

    Even though birthdays are supposed to be a happy and celebratory time, in this case it wasn't for him because I guess he received some disappointing news: he was going to have a baby. I wonder if you thought he was having a baby and was hoping he wasn't? Could it be he sounded disappointed because you weren't there with him--closest friends were starting families and he wasn't? Are Bob and Toni real people in your life? Why do you think your Boaz was telling YOU this information? Do you think he can confide in you?

    Please pray on what I've said

  13. HALELULIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    God is so good!

    You guys, I was making $8 an hour and I'm now making $16!



    Rise up because you are truly blessed sister!!

    thanks for posting

  14. Do you feel like things are coming up against you or you're being violated in some way by a group of people?

    Do you still keep in touch with your ex husband? If not, do you think he will come in contact with you soon or with one of your family members and he/she will tell you about their meeting?

    please pray on what I've said

  15. I wanted God to fix Kevin, begged Him. Then I did what I usually did, fend off calls from his new girlfriend and him because he was angry that she was not like me and she was angry because he was throwing me up in her face - she believed that he was cheating on her with me - only I was celibate, so that wasn't it. Integrity will get you a Primo reputation, even with the exes.

    AINT THAT THE TRUTH GIRL!!! lol! They never want you until you've moved on and are happy with someone else! Those exs know when you're "a good one"!

    I like that testimony! God is faithful that He will bring his promises to pass!! (Joshua 21:45)

  16. Is there something in your life that may have started as one thing (maybe seem secular) but then it turns into something completely different before its all said and done (something worthy enough to praise God for)?

    Are you a Michael Jackson fan? What impact has he made in your life concerning your singing career? I absolutely LOVE Michael Jackson. I think he influenced the musical world/pop culture in a great way.

    I found it strange that the "nazi man" was at the event. Even though he's trying to be like many people in his smaller circle (in a hate group) it seems like he wants to change even though he may not acknowledge it. I think you were doing the right thing by speaking the truth in love--something we all must do in order to win those in the world (and those in the church who have backslidden) back to God!

    In the last part of the dream, who do you think that person was on the other end? Someone that you knew and was afraid to talk?
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