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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. First of all, I wanted to say that I had a recent dream where I was at a family function and I had seen my ex there and the meal to be prepared was "orange flavored chicken"--I think this is significant.

    As you know, I also had a dream where I had seen my ex and I felt like I was "decent looking" enough for his liking--as if I had to "fix myself up" before he saw me--much like you dream, where you saw him and felt like you had to comb your hair.

    I ask this to say (about the ex part) even though you've moved on and are happy in a new relationship, I wonder if in some way you still want to look as though your doing great without your ex? I wonder if you want him to see that you've become a success without him? (I think all women go through this at one point or another). Were you surprised to see your ex? Depending on how you dream, I wonder if you will be out in public with either your fiance or close family member IRL and see your ex? When your fiance said, "oh really" in response to you seeing your ex, it seemed as though he said it as, "oh that's who you were speaking of?" Does he know him IRL? Have you talked about your ex to your fiance before?

    In the first part of the dream, the chicken was rotten and your friend and brother wanted some of your meat. Whenever I think of meat, I think of "protein" and "the word". The Lord's word is that "strong meat" we need inorder to survive in this world and to remain healthy in him. Your meat looked different, but people still recognized what it was. Could your family be wanting to live your lifestyle or "get some of what you have" or are "eating on" because there's is not what they thought it was? Do you think they're wanting your advice on some things? Could they be thinking they're living a decent/good life but observing that your way of life is somewhat better?

    To me, a library is a place of relaxation, learning, discovery, etc. Is there a place in your life where you're discovering some things and gaining more knowledge on that is so good that you want a 'double portion' on? The place was white, so I think that's significant. Maybe God is going to reveal more things to you concerning a certain situation?

    please pray on what I've said. If I have any more ideas, I will let you know.


  2. When I think about "firemen" I DO think about a "rescue mission" type of thing--trying to save lives etc (and as I can see, what Lola said was confirmation to you), but what about people trying to "put out a fire" as in the holyghost fire/anointing being doused by others (ie: discourage or break your spirit in some way) and it effects you deeply? Just a thought of course from another perspective.

  3. Thanks to you both for commenting!!

    Cholette, one thing that I do "struggle with" from time to time, is learning not to "speak so much"--just because I CAN say something doesn't mean I have to! lol! I guess I've always felt like, "I NEED TO SAY SOMETHING TO GET IT OFF MY CHEST". I'm learning to control my mouth in alot of ways and boy I can say its hard!

    To answer your first question, I have been called to "minister the gospel" in an evangelical/prophetic way, and maybe the dream was symbolic of that--I'm actually coming into my own in this, trying to find my way so to speak. I'm still unsure of exactly how my ministry will flow during and even after college, but I know that God will bring more clarity! I don't really know if I'm ready!!!

    Dear Mark, I agree with you as well--God is showing me that things will work out and that he is causing the "overflow"! PRAISE GOD! I thought about the scripture in Jeremiah 1: how God told Jeremiah that He would give him the words to speak (or put His words in his mouth). That's encouraging!! We'll see what happens!

    Praise God for you both!

  4. Had a dream where I was standing at the altar for prayer (my hands were raised) and a man (whom I didn't recognize) tapped the palms of my hands and then touched my mouth while he was praying for me :huh: I'm wondering, what does the "touching my mouth" represent?

  5. I was just angry trying to force myself to "be heard". Maybe IRL, I'm trying to "force people to understand me" (I'm working on myself!lol) But Thank you jip708 for your thoughts. By the way, I too am conscience when I dream (I talk to myself in them as well!!lol)

    Again Cholette,
    great point!


  6. I would have to agree with Lurdys on this one!

    Have you been working hard for something or is there something that you have to keep "plugging away at" in order to finally see results?

    Rice to me symoblizes something that is plentiful and filling. Have you ever noticed on "Feed the Children Programs" lots of rice is given away to the hungry? Just rice alone can be a meal all by itself!! I wonder if you continue to do what you need to do, you will see a sure harvest and a victory in your favor?


    Lets never let go on God's unchanging hands! I've said this before and I'll say it again: NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS! God can turn a situation that seems to be bad, completely around for your good (romans 8:28) God bless you all! IN JESUS NAME! LIVE IN THE OVERFLOW!


  8. I was born in Spain so I'm gonna give a shout out!! Cool! lol!

    But seriously, these are my thoughts:

    I wonder if you'll be in a foreign place or are currently in one now as far as your feelings/life are concerned (like things aren't making sense as they should kinda thing?) because people are seeming annoyed with you and making you feel guilty even though you know in your heart that you weren't trying to cause intentional damage?

    The second part of the dream seems odd to me. The little girl was being dragged along by her parent. I wonder if this is literal. Do you know of someone IRL, who seems like they're not as involved in his/her child's life as he/she should be? The kid feels neglected in some way and the parent has no clue as to what he/she is doing tocause the child so much pain and emotional damage? It seemed liek the parent was so caught up in his/her self that he/she failed to realize what was going on with the child (who was in apparent danger)! Everyone else could see (and YOU had the heart for the situation) but the mother didn't seem to see (and sometimes that happens--everyone else on the outside looking in notices the problems moreso than those involved). You try to help but it seems like its no use? Was the girl alright after you tore away the dress? Being the gogetter you are, it seems like you feel the need to "take things into your own hands" you see the need and you answer the call?

    Please pray on what I've said
    p.s. Girl, I just realized I just said similiar to what Sandra said--must be God!! lol! 👏

  9. you know Cholette,
    that's one of the first things I thought about after thinking on the dream: I can't get my point across like I want to!!

    The dream had other parts to it, like me being late and I felt like my family couldn't inform/help me because they KNEW I had to take care of some things and go to work (they seemed nochalant or unconcerned, even insensitive). Maybe that's how I feel IRL about some things that my family CAN be insensitive towards my views? I don't know, again, we'll have to see!

    This may just be something in the future!


  10. I wonder if this is literal that your feelings for your ex are no longer the same? It seems like you're changing your thought about her. At first you were open to the idea of "being committed to her" but now, you're not "accepting it"? Your attention is on someone else--which I can say is a good start.

    please pray on what I've said

  11. I've had a dream last night (and in the past) where I couldn't talk, yell, etc (even though I was opening my mouth). In my dream last night, I was angry and trying to yell, but it seemed as though my voice was constricted and even though I yelled, I wasn't getting my point across like I really wanted too. It seemed like the more I tried to raise my voice an octave, the more I became angry that I couldn't--something was hindering me. BUt why? Seems strange

  12. I know that Larry King is a powerful figure in the media world, so I'm not surprised by your dream. I wonder if your friend dreams prophetically? If so, I wonder if you will have a future opportunity to talk with someone who is a powerful leader in his/her community about your beliefs etc. I am so glad that you were "bold and unashamed" about who you are and who you represent--we need more Christians like that because so many compromise!!

    I think that you're dream is attesting to exciting things to come--don't waiver and don't allow anyone to turn you against what you believe--no matter what! I encourage you to read the following scripture Jeremiah 1:1-19--that just came to me for you--tell me what you think!!

    don't be afraid of the naysayers or those that "have a dislike for God and anything holy". God's got your back! I believe that you're going to impact alot of lives concerning your beliefs on a public level! GET READY!


  13. I may be, but I don't know lol! I have a desire to become an entertainment reporter, so Hollywood intrigues me! Maybe I will be friends with some? Maybe I am called. If I have a dream about a star, something is usually revealed later on about what's happening in their personal life.

    Again, we'll have to see!
    thanks for your help

  14. [quote]This detail could help to determine if the enemy has sent an attack against you in the midst of your trying to understand something to scare you off from diligently seeking, or if the Lord has sent you help and you've rejected it because you fear it might be painful...[quote]

    Interesting words Mariakitty, but I'm not sure about this. I did think that "something just isn't right" and that I try to "figure out things" with my analytical thinking with no peace about the solution. So, as always, we'll have to see what manifests (I'll be sure to let the group know! lol! ) I felt the nurse was more of a hindrance and an attack against me then a help. Why was she coming after me to stick me? I felt like the cottage was like, "hansel and Gretel" story (fairytale). So again, we'll have to see. Maybe I AM trying to see things with my natural eyes and do things in my natural strength? Something to pray on!

    Thank you both for the responses

  15. I didn't have any teeth in my mouth (none at all, I'm talking completely "gummy" lol! ) and everytime I would take my tongue and rub it across my top and bottom teeth, I would feel a hardness there as if I DID have teeth! I had some glasses on and put some circular black frames with teeth attached to the stems on my mouth. It just didn't feel right. For some reason, I felt as though my "denchers" were going to come out and wouldn't stay in place as they should. This woman (who looked like a nurse or aid) kept trying to stick me with this pin/needle. I ran off to a nearby cottage sitting in the middle of open grass, before she could catch me. :huh:

  16. I haven't had any dreams of her lately, so when this came up, it had me thinking.
    Had this dream on Aug 4:

    I'm inside this room with a coworker of mine and he is looking at this large Spanish dictionary. I see the word "oy" and then "voy" which I know is spanish for: "I AM GOING". I saw a video/magazine? can't remember which one of Jennifer Lopez standing close to this Spanish man (they're faces touching). IRL this man is a popular actor within the Spanish community; he was also Jennifer's costar in her video: AINT IT FUNNY). The man played in a movie where he was a "womanizer" and dating three girls from different states at the same time and the girls met up with one another, became friends, and tried to "find him" (The movie was called: "Chasing Poppy".) Anyway, in the dream, Jennifer was holding two babies (which i know she has toddlers IRL but these babies seemed smaller) and she and the guy were smiling--she looked very content and rested. My coworker said that reports say, "they've been spending past weekends together" (and you know what that means in Hollywood! lol! IRL, I saw an interview with this guy and he says that he shys away from the spotlight now and not "exposing his body" like he used to but that he's doing new things with his life (I don't know if that means he's saved or not). Both he and Jennifer were named: MOST INFLUENTIAL AND BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE within the Spanish community. thinking

    Need help here.

  17. Had this dream about two nights ago.

    I dreamt that I saw Michael Jackson in my hometown and he was shopping at the place that I work. There was a crowd of people standing around as they watched him go inside the store and get a few items. (Michael had a child in a baby stroller and he had on a white t-shirt with black pants.) I saw this guy walk past Micheal, but didn't even notice or acknowledge who he was and I was like, "That guy just walked past Michael Jackson, the king of pop and didn't do/say anything?" I guess it was just me being star struck and believing that EVERYONE had to LOVE Michael as much as I did! rofl Michael finally came outside to join the crowd and everyone watched as Michael came over to me personally--of course I was in utter amazement and shock! He put his hand on the top of my head (sort of like when ministers/pastors pray over you and their hand is touching your forhead?) and I just started shaking in excitement! I remember touching his "white glove" (I know IRL, its sparkling and silver) and I was closing my eyes (not trying to look at his face) because I was so nervous and awe-stricken (I don't know if I couldve held up if I looked into his eyes!) I couldn't believe that MICHAEL JACKSON had touched me! happy dance This was so overwhelming for me, I didn't know what to do! This was a moment that I'd never forget and of course everyone else was jealous!! 👏 :cute: bouncing

  18. I always thought yellow meant "good" as well--sunny, happy, vibrant, etc. In the dictionary on the site, it could mean either jaundice or cowardness, depending on the context (again, you'd have to look at your dream because this may not fit).

    when you said a yellow motorbike, I wonder if it could mean: upcoming prosperity or progression in your life that will be moderately fast?

    Please pray on what I've said
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