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Desiree (Starpop)

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Posts posted by Desiree (Starpop)

  1. Meg
    Praise God for your humble, hungry, and sweet spirit! God will answer your every prayer and give you the desires of your heart! Keep looking to Him as your source. He will blow your mind (habukkuk 1:5)!


  2. Praise the Lord who is worthy of all of our praises!

    I am requesting that every member of this group please lift up Mia (the owner) in prayer. She is in need of a healing. On the other site, I saw that she had requested the members and churches to pray for her!

    I don't know what it is, but God does. Let her be at the top of your prayer list in prayer time this week! Thanks for touching and agreeing with me saints! WE HAVE THE VICTORY! Lets see Mia get her complete healing and deliverance, so she can join us again! thumbs 👏 kiss huggins :PTL:


  3. I always think of "food" and "Storing up" so to speak when it applies to my dreams. Refrigerators are usually in the kitchen and for me, I always felt a house wasn't complete without a kitchen so its like "the center of the house" for me--where most of the gathering is. Since biblically a house often times represents "a person" and personally a kitchen could represent "the heart"--I wonder if there's some issues with what is being "Stored up" in that person's house? What does that person have to offer? What is in their "refrigerator" so to speak?

    Just some more things to think about flower

  4. Well to me, vacuuming always meant a form of cleaning so I wonder if you're pastor is "cleaning house" so to speak and you'll be one of the first to witness it?

    ...Unless of course your pastor usually cleans the sanctuary that is! lol!

  5. Satan has tried to do that to me before girl--so I feel you completely!!! I'd run around worryng thinking: "What person knows this or that?" "I wonder if somebody saw this or heard this?" It was crazy! Just another tactic to get me to devalue my worth in Christ and feel ashamed! BUT SATAN IS A LIAR! :yes:

    He protects and perserves the righteous!

    Be blessed

  6. For me, depending on the context, I felt it meant: getting ready for something or "playing games" so to speak (that's what happens in gyms right?) Also, just like with churches and school gatherings a gym could just represent a "public place" or "out in the open" where different things happen or you'll see alot of people.

    Besides that, I'd partially agree with dreamster here: a place of working out and getting "Sweat pumping"! lol!

  7. Me, my ex, his ex girlfriend, and his best friend were all attending the same school (the school had a dark/old scenery to it yet reminded me of my elementary school). I remember that my ex and his best friend had been "conversing" about me but don't know what about. :huh:

    I remember Jonny Depp (which by the way happens to be a favorite actor of mine and kinda cute lol! ) was walking through the hallways. I had on a blue bubble jacket that was dirty in the front and khaki colored workboots that were also dirty. Johnny walked up to me and hugged me close as we started walking together. He was telling me how I should try a "new haircut" and how it would make me look "voila" and "amazing" etc (I think just trying to make conversation/flirt etc. (In the dream, he had suggested the first cut that I had, so he thought a new one would be even better and turn mucho heads laugh ) :huh: I tried to remain "mum" because I don't think my breath was fresh so I kept my mouth closed instead. In the midst of our talking, A man that was behind him had called his name; I turned my head slightly towards the voice. Johnny said, "who is that? I don't know you man!" The man had shot him in the back! I saw Johnny's head go back and him gasp for air. I tried to hold him up with my arm as our chests met. The man tried to bring his arm over to the front to shoot me in my stomach--I held the barrel and he shot my hand instead. I tried to drop down as if I were dead so the man wouldn't try to shoot again.

  8. No lie
    At first I assumed that my father in the dream was my heavenly one--being that "he goes with me" everywhere! I think too IRL, I am somewhat of a "daddy's girl" (OMG, did I just admit that?! lol! )

    I think I usually do see things that my family doesn't see--like God gives me discernment and/or deeper revelation than what's on the surface.

    Maybe the pastor's daughter just represents someone from my past that used to attend the church and I'm uncomfortable about the "invasion of space"? I'm unsure of why my father would be concerned about "his image" (the heavenly father sure doesn't lol! ) maybe because my dealing with the person is a "reflection of the family"?

    thanks alot for the input

  9. This is the second time you dreamt of Jamaica--which I know is significant!

    I definitely do see this as a "change" type of dream--a good change that is! lol! (A change of direction in some sort). You and your friend had bought a new house that was spacious and brand new. Could this house also represent you or your friend--being more open to things and being totally different people? When I saw "airy", I thought about "open breeze" and comfortability (as in relaxation). Could this be referring to "the breeze of the holyghost" (rushing mighty wind) coming in to rearrange the house and make it brand new and on fire for God?!

    Also, your friend had a jet which makes me think that it will be a quick change! You also mentioned that the travel would be "around the world", and I thought about "360" (all the way around) and back to the same spot. But when I saw Africa as the "expected destination" isn't Africa on the center of the map (halfway)? So the "travel around the world" would be more like a "180" which is not the same but completely different!!

    He called me and told me to get ready because he was returning to Jamaica and wanted me to fly with him in this new direction he was testing.

    This phrase stuck out to me the most. Get ready because God is letting you know that a change is taking place and that it will leave you in "overwhelming awe". It will be exciting but what God is about to do (claim it) will leave you in disbelief! Remember the scripture in Habukkuk 1:5?!

    The preceeding phrase definitely leads me to believe that your friend has his "tank full of gas" and is ready for the change (ie: personal?), and desires you to participate in it too/celebrate with him?

    This sounds exciting!!! 👏

    please pray on what I've said!
    p.s. I forgot about the "traveling under water" part. For me, water always meant "refreshment, renewal, and holy spirit (baptism)". Get ready for God to be doing a new thing! HALELULIA!!! PRAISE GOD IN THE HIGHEST!

  10. Dream: My home pastor's youngest daughter had moved back home (I believe that this is their "golden child"). She moved to the upstairs/side apartment of an old house that my family used to live in in the past (when I was in middle school). It was early in the morning and my father and I were in the living room. I suddenly heard arguing from the other side of the house that had awaken me from my sleep; I looked toward the glass door that was separating the two parts of the house. It sounded like my pastor's daughter and she sounded like she was arguing with someone who was her date for her high school prom (IRL, she is now almost 25). I assumed they had moved in together. Her mother (the pastor's wife) had wanted them to move in together (or was okay with the idea)? what At one point of the dream, I remember her father coming to the room where I was--he had his grayish suit on and was just standing at the doorway in silence (just watching her get settled). Apparently, his wife was out-of-town but would be there momentarily to set up a housewarming?

    I remember going to the fridge to try to get something to eat/drink but I couldn't find anything that belonged to "us" (as in me and my family). The fridge was OVERSTOCKED with produce (lettuce, tomato, etc) and it all belonged to the pastor's daughter. I was reluctant to get anything that belonged to her. It seemed like her move in was unexpected and had just "sprang on me". I guess I felt unprepared for her arrival. Nobody informed me--she was just there and expected me to understand? I ended up making me a sandwich from a loaf of bread that was on the table. Don't really know what type of meat was on it, but I do remember tasting some shredded cheese.

    My siblings were happy to see the pastor's daughter in town (it had been a while). IRL, she attends school about 8 1/2 miles away from where her parents live and she doesn't visit that often. In the dream, she had a closet full of clothes to give away to them. One of my sister's used one of my emory board (something to shapen nails) for her face--it was shiny. My father was worried about how others would see me (IRL, I think my father is kind of concerned about his image and the image of his family to the point where he is a people pleaser).

    Please help me with this saints of God!


    p.s. I DO work in a grocery store, but I don't know if that part is significant or not!
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